Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] years [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Cavour , only fifty years of age , the great statesman Italy had needed for so long .
2 He was only 22 years of age .
3 His father died suddenly when he was only 12 years of age and he had an early baptism of public life , being prominent in Scottish affairs while still in his teens .
4 When he inherited his title , the Earl was only 7 years of age and the family debt was about £270,000 , several millions of pounds at 1990 values .
5 Although only 10 years into production , Magnus is regarded as having reached middle age and approaching the point where production should begin to decline .
6 Not long afterwards his hotbeds produced ‘ fine , large , beautiful fruit , just like Miller 's ’ and so six years of patience were rewarded .
7 Children below three years of age can show some forms of pro-social behaviour , especially after ( approximately ) twenty months .
8 Still only 21 years of age in the summer of 1991 , Richard is one of the youngest players to complete their first century of Palace appearances .
9 It had that rustic look which only many years of weathering can attain .
10 The course consisted mainly of volunteers for ‘ hostilities only ’ , most of which were only 18 years of age .
11 However , the under 20 age group includes 18–19-year-old mothers whose children , under conditions of relatively low levels of overall infant mortality , have about the same low , or even lower , risk of dying during the first year of life as those born to women in the age group 25–29 years and face a much lower risk than those born to mothers below 18 years of age .
12 But the little boy , having missed so many years of schooling , was backward in his lessons , and Edouard feared that he would be teased .
13 ‘ I thought I deserved better after so many years of service , ’ he said .
14 In England the criticism of continued military activity by John Wyclif , the opposition to war expressed by men of Lollard sympathies such as William Swynderby , the lassitude provoked by so many years of conflict , mirrored in some of the works of Geoffrey Chaucer and John Gower , are indicative both of people 's reflection regarding the morality of war and the ways in which it was being fought , and of the apparent futility of allowing it to continue along its present drift , no real advantage accruing to either side in spite of the great cost , both human and financial , to all .
15 With so many years of golf behind me , it was a task to recall my best round .
16 Why should we worry when spacefarers have not suffered any serious harm in so many years of space travel ?
17 Moreover , strikes were illegal , wages were controlled by the state and people were anxious to improve their standard of living after so many years of rationing and privation .
18 Thus the time-honoured name of Revenue Cutter was dropped after so many years of tradition .
19 She was tempted to use the weather as an excuse to postpone her visit to J. Pringle & Sons , but the work ethic that had carried her successfully through so many years of study and so many examinations now exerted its leverage on her conscience once more .
20 I must admit at this stage I though I had cracked it but I should have known after so many years of breeding fish , success is not guaranteed .
21 The prospect of real freedom after so many years of oppression is exciting as well as daunting .
22 This was one U Nu , but not the deeper man , who had searched for so many years for enlightenment .
23 But after so many years in showbusiness it was n't surprising .
24 What had she held for so many years in trust and secrecy ?
25 He also noted that books by John Buchan , his wife 's grandfather , were always best-sellers at the sale , and that several of J.B. 's rarer books , including Sir Quixote of the Moors , a novel written and published when he was only 17 years of age , would be on sale this year .
26 She had engaged a young girl , only fourteen years of age , called Maria , brought to her by the caretaker of the house , and vouched for as ‘ good and obedient ’ .
27 Simple photographs , perceived to have little artistic quality are afforded copyright protection for only twenty-five years after death whereas editorial photographs and ‘ artistic ’ photographs are given periods of protection of fifty years and seventy years after death , respectively .
28 With only 6000 years of life left the temperature rockets to 620 million degrees , to convert carbon into neon .
29 She had taken that step ; and now she , at only 36 years of age , had to bring up her children alone , and help them in their turn to make that large and difficult step .
30 She is a teacher of primary school kids and decides , probably rightly , that these two English boys are really only ten years of age and should be treated as such .
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