Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] than [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 People often mention ‘ metal whiskers ’ as if they were the only kind but , as a matter of fact , metal whiskers are less common and less interesting than whiskers of non-metals and it is about these latter that we shall mostly talk .
2 It will all look so much nicer than bits of tied drying holly tucked into picture frames .
3 punchlines are much better than sort of er .
4 Ratings of radio news were less predictable than ratings of television but they too were influenced by recent political interest , motivations for following the campaign , and degree of party preference .
5 For this reason they are bound to remain as very secondary aids to choral music , which to be genuinely original and vital needs musicianship much more than exploitation of mere sound effects .
6 The temples were much more than centres of worship .
7 Faculties of agriculture may be less important than faculties of planning and community development and the facility to suspend disbelief .
8 East of the Rhine in the kingdom of Louis the German , for instance , there were no mints , and there is much less evidence for markets and traders , while in the Middle Kingdom ( Lotharingia ) , the volume of coinage in circulation was much smaller than west of the Meuse .
9 Candidal infection of the penis is much less common than infection of the female genitalia .
10 For other members of the department , some of whom were less aware than Joanne of what they were trying to achieve via the new approach , this was even more the case .
11 Although this assumption is very likely to be wrong it is still a usable forecast in the sense that it may be no more wrong than forecasts of change that get it wrong .
12 They are ultimately more instructive than stories of nonagenarians who scale Everest or even ( enjoyable though they are ) of Lord Denning 's battles with the government from his seat in the House of Lords .
13 Knighton , McColl and Elliott all get a statistical raw deal , he insists , but none is more wronged than bottom of the table Len Ashurst .
14 These are culpable acts , often regarded as being more serious than thefts of property .
15 The Athletic News snorted indignantly : ‘ As a matter of commerce , ten young recruits at £100 a piece might have paid better , and as a matter of sport , the Second Division would be more honourable than retention of places by purchase . ’
16 He was always more conscious than Picasso of the actual surface quality of his work , and moreover more consistently conscious of the need for respecting the demands of the picture plane .
17 Fathers of children with leukaemia or non-Hodgkin 's lymphoma were more likely than fathers of control children to have been employed by the nuclear industry , but the excess was not significant .
18 Though the available data on the contribution record of workers from different socio-economic groups is inadequate in several ways , it can be justifiably claimed that members of the lower socio-economic groups are more likely than members of the higher socio-economic groups to be among the non-qualifiers and , in the years when they existed , to be receiving lower-earnings-related benefits .
19 It is , however , no more paradoxical than speaking of John 's arm , when the arm in question is part of the John who is said to possess it ( or the chassis of the car , for ) .
20 ‘ For me , sumptuousness of fabric is more effective than importance of shape . ’
21 It means that ‘ attributes of the individual which are biological or constitutional are likely to be more powerful than properties of the immediate social environment or other ecological variables ’ ( Henderson , 1982 , p. 228 . )
22 But it is the family 's version which the texts privileges and recounts in full detail , for this view of events is entirely consistent with the cultural assumptions of an isolated rural people and , indeed , is regarded as more credible than wonders of modern technology , such as the cinema .
23 And that too seems related to the solidarities of kinship and to the training in respect which comes with belonging to a lineage : in a sense , both cadres and ordinary Libyans seemed to share the assumption that loyalties of descent and domesticity were more important than differences of opinion .
24 But probably more important than works of social research or political theory in spreading belief in the need for some degree of state action , was both concern about the condition of the economy and the impact of the Boer War of 1899–1902 .
25 Polymorphisms of the genes encoding enzymes involved in the metabolism of collagen , such as the collagenases and their inhibitors , or genes controlling the transcription of collagen may ultimately prove to be more important than polymorphisms of the collagen genes themselves in determining individual susceptibility to the fibrotic effect of alcohol .
26 Representative Lee H. Hamilton of Indiana , who co-chaired the congressional joint investigation of the Iran-contra affair , declared that those hearings , because they affected current US foreign policy , were more important than questions of individual criminal liability .
27 Bowles , however , concluded slightly differently from his review of American data : social class background was more important than years of schooling in deciding a person 's earnings .
28 Good sight lines are more important than evenness of chair layout .
29 Editor , — Since the advent of the NHS reforms and the internal market , expedient treatment and patients ' convenience often seem more important than quality of care .
30 The mythic animals are an even stronger reminder that the fresco artists were depicting another world than the everyday one ; it is a symbolic world where general concepts such as fecundity were more important than accuracy of detail .
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