Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] so [that] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It is a thick worm , pinkish when fresh , and the cuticle is rather transparent so that the internal organs can be seen .
2 The floor sloped slightly and the pews , which held 2,500 , were slightly curved so that the preacher ‘ can be seen from every part of the building ’ .
3 In other cases early appointment is clearly desirable so that the guardian can attend the first directions appointment .
4 Indeed , Ulpian puts the case of a seller of a female slave who knowingly allows the buyer to believe that she is a virgin when she is not ( D. ) , a defect which is treated as being strictly liable so that the buyer can return the slave .
5 Boulding ( 1968 ) has identified the crisis of science as arising from the fact that communication among disciplines and subdisciplines is increasingly difficult so that the greater the fragmentation into subgroups the more likely that the total growth of knowledge may be inhibited .
6 The reader should be able to confirm that if investment were completely interest-inelastic so that the injections line in graph ( a ) were vertical , the IS curve would also be vertical .
7 Perhaps male bats have body surfaces that are subtly textured so that the echoes that bounce off them are perceived by females as gorgeously coloured , the sound equivalent of the nuptial plumage of a bird of paradise .
8 Stress affects posture : often people look slumped , their shoulders sag and they hunch their back ; alternatively they hold themselves very rigid so that the muscles of the shoulders and neck especially are set ; their face takes on a fixed expression with perhaps staring eyes or clenched jaw ; muscular tics and involuntary twitches can arise ; for some people cramp is stress-related .
9 ‘ Killer in the Sky ’ said a placard , held helpfully flat so that the Board 's staff above could get a better look .
10 Hilton 's Scale gains , perhaps , over some other later descriptions of the way in being very wide and very general so that the individual can find his own way therein without being embarrassed by a bundle of inapplicable particularities .
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