Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [noun pl] where [art] " in BNC.

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1 Unlike most European countries where a close association between unions and political parties has been a longstanding phenomenon , US unions have little close and direct connection with political parties and have relied very heavily on collective bargaining rather than political activity as the means of achieving their ends .
2 The ecclesiastical organization thus came to reduplicate the structure of the civil administrative geography , though not quite exactly , and least in the less Romanized areas where the Roman network of cities with their administrative territories was less regular .
3 There are other , much rarer situations where the farmer is totally uninterested in any sporting aspects .
4 The cost of the path would increase to as a word from this region was incorporated , and the algorithm would backtrack to one of the apparently better extensions where the cost was .
5 For me this generous use of natural reverberation acts as a tonic after so many recordings where the acoustics seem too dry or contrived .
6 The three colours are not used throughout this design and areas of stocking stitch alternate with much thicker areas where the three colours are knitted ; notice that there are quite long floats .
7 It does not include every instance in which the hearer or reader has to supply missing information , but only those cases where the grammatical structure itself points to an item or items that can fill the slot in question .
8 The term ‘ non-specific ’ is unsatisfactory , although in common usage , because it lumps together those cases where a cause can be established with those in which no aetiological agent can be found .
9 The East Kilbride centre , which concentrates on wind power , will be important in the United Kingdom 's development of new technologies in highly exposed areas where the meterage per second of wind speed , especially in Scotland , is considerably higher than it is in the east and south-east of England .
10 If the floorboards are parallel to the wall , take up the nearest one and fill in any gaps where the joists enter the wall , using a cement and sand mix .
11 Smith allocated orders to bring in new manufacturers where the existing ones proved excessively unreliable in breaking delivery promises or refusing to build new capacity .
12 Of the ninety-eight cases , there were only four cases where the victim was named .
13 The Soviet War Memorial is one of only two places Where the Russian military have representation in the West , and in order to maintain it they employ soldiers who cross the Wall from their barracks in East Berlin .
14 In extremely rare cases where the life of the mother is endangered by continuation of the pregnancy , then competent medical advice regarding termination to save life should guide decisions .
15 Indeed the two values are often extremely difficult to disentangle and there is a good reason for this ; for any given adjective , in many or most actual situations where the one interpretation may be applied correctly , the other will apply also ; in addition , for many adjectives , even in principle , the semantic distinction may be vanishingly small .
16 The maintenance methylase detects the discrepancy and methylates the new strand in just those positions where the old one is methylated .
17 Presentation and ease of use are the most obvious areas where a DOS application has to fight hard for its existence alongside the GUI opposition , and in this respect 1-2-3 release 3.4 breaks little new ground .
18 These occasions would clearly refer only to the more serious incidents where the Football Association felt it necessary to discipline clubs formally , and many more examples of hooliganism can be found in the newspapers of the period .
19 In the case of the working class — possibly more than the middle class — the unemployment of families and the depressed economic conditions that prevailed during the inter-war years encouraged the reduction of family size , even though there were still many areas where the birth rate remained high or increased , almost oblivious of the economic conditions .
20 There are still many systems where the man is in the control loop , for example in vehicle driving and in most manufacturing production processes .
21 Apart from cases such as those we have been discussing , where the industries are nearly perfectly contestable , there are other , more traditional cases where the industry is a natural monopoly but a long way from being naturally contestable .
22 The use of a facility such as ‘ Office Power ’ would thus reduce the pressure on staff dealing with more complicated cases where a much more detailed and individual response is required .
23 It is very common to find that the combination of the adverbal adjective and its preceding verb can be matched by a single verb , without any change at all in the overall syntactic pattern or in the meaning : 14 ( a ) you should make the string longer you should lengthen the string ( b ) his sister wanted to set the owl free his sister wanted to release the owl or his sister wanted to free the owl ( c ) Liz had knocked her fiancè unconscious Liz had stunned her fiancè ( The same remark can be made of what are plainly close relatives of this construction , namely separable verbs where the second part is an adverb , or " particle " , as with put up ( = accommodate ) , or pull off ( = achieve . )
24 There are also secondary infringements where a person " deals " with infringing articles , for example , by importing , selling or hiring .
25 Schou 's theory works best in comparatively enclosed areas where the effective waves are usually caused by fairly local winds , for example Denmark and much of Britain .
26 But there are now many places where the wooded , steep-sided landscape gives us a reminder of past beauty — and some fine walking .
27 Eventually they identified a shortlist of about twenty areas where the rock formations were considered suitably stable and dry to keep the nuclear waste containers intact over the long timescales envisaged .
28 try as one might , one ca n't change the group , but , but clearly these are not th the examples that Freud chooses are really big groups where the kind of factors he 's talking about comes through very clearly because y y you can not explain what happens in the Catholic Church or an army .
29 But this equitable separate estate existed only where it was created by a will or settlement , or in the comparatively rare cases where the Court of Chancery exercised its jurisdiction to compel a husband to make a settlement upon his wife .
30 In fact , this technique has led to some of my most successful parties where the parents join in and participate in the proceedings .
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