Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [prep] [adv] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The next chapter will be rather different in both intention and structure , for it will not examine the work in detail of particular leaders in the field nor give attention to the teasing out of any particular principles .
2 The British Crime Survey found , for example , that ( as classified by the ACORN ‘ Classification of Residential Neighbourhoods ’ system ) there were three types of area which were especially prone to both crime and fear of crime : ‘ High-status non-family areas ’ ( I ) , ‘ Multi-racial areas ’ ( H ) , and ‘ Poorest council estates ’ ( G ) .
3 Clarence Hiles in the Ulster Cricketer , reiterates the esteem in which Sean was held by describing him as the doyen of Irish cricket writers ‘ who tackled all the main issues , in the caring thoughtful manner which made him so popular with both players and officials alike . ’
4 Clarence Hiles in the Ulster Cricketer , reiterates the esteem in which Sean was held by describing him as the doyen of Irish cricket writers ‘ who tackled all the main issues , in the caring thoughtful manner which made him so popular with both players and officials alike . ’
5 This , too , is an NSA , overlooking Tummel Forest Park ( famous for its ancient birchwoods ) , and is extremely popular with both tourists and hillwalkers .
6 As the objectives for online orientation are so similar for both end-users and intermediaries , it is reasonable to assume that orientation programmes can be produced which can be useful in the teaching of both groups .
7 Pictures not only freezing for ever moments of history , but also providing ample testimony to the endeavours of photographers themselves .
8 His attack on individuals had become increasingly scandalous : he described an elderly Senate colleague as " a living miracle " — the only man who has lived so long with neither brains nor guts " .
9 Furthermore , a three-phase study of over a thousand school leavers in the Lothian region of Scotland found that , in marked contrast to alcohol and tobacco use , ‘ levels of illicit drug use were much higher amongst both males and females who were unemployed than amongst their peers who were working or were full-time students ’ ( Plant et al .
10 I think it was cos it was so hot in there Jean to be honest .
11 These included the Shiites , supporters of Ali , to whom Muhammad 's campaign was particularly slanted and with whom it proved especially successful in both Persia and Mesopotamia .
12 Were I to agree to do more than that , it might have the effect of making it extremely difficult for either management or employees to launch a successful bid .
13 Hence this correlation is less common in only children .
14 Is the answer that the principle applied in Hughes was entirely inapplicable to both Foakes v. Beer and High Trees ?
15 Although now virtually abandoned , being almost entirely useless in both research and clinical practice , this scheme does draw out some of the ways in which the symptoms of schizophrenia can sometimes cluster together .
16 It 's ever so nice in there Emma !
17 Well there 's only two on tomorrow morning and there are four wards and they 've got five admissions this afternoon .
18 Furthermore , the mean size of the equivalence classes is only 0.15% of the size of the lexicon , and the largest class is only equivalent to about 1% of the size .
19 Higher rates of symptomatic gall bladder disease were seen among smokers in each oral contraceptive group , although the trend was only significant for never users of the pill .
20 For those aged over 65 the responses were remarkably similar for both males and females .
21 Indeed , the overriding impression is that referral patterns remained strikingly similar among both fundholders and non-fundholders after the implementation of the organisational changes .
22 Editor , — In their paper on the effect of the NHS reforms on general practitioners ' referral patterns Angela Coulter and Jean Bradlow state that ‘ the overriding impression is that referral patterns remained strikingly similar among both fundholders and non-fundholders . ’
23 Who were extremely keen to locate in this county , everything was right for them , Mr Allenby 's borough had the site , my clients had the site should I say , and erm but we lost it to Humberside because it was not possible for either Harrogate or ourselves to look them in the eye and say yes we can guarantee planning consent .
24 The figures can be taken as generally representative for both Europe and the USA .
25 Immensely popular with both Masters and boys , he was a tireless worker in almost every School activity .
26 These findings were also confirmed in the USA , where Butler and Fuguitt ( 1970 ) and Hassinger ( 1957 ) from work in Wisconsin and Minnesota , found that rural settlements near larger albeit not very much larger towns , tended to grow faster than average , although the findings were not universal through either time or space .
27 Autonomous group working was not popular in either America or Britain ( Butteriss and Murdoch , 1976 ) , although the approach was used by Shell , Scottish and Newcastle Breweries and some others .
28 But the normal biological processes of ageing are not synonymous with either disease or loss of function .
29 We have no record of whether Miss McQueen — ‘ not inelegant in either mien or dress ’ , as Johnson found her : Boswell calls her ‘ a modest , civil girl , very neatly dressed ’ — found Cocker 's Arithmetick equally absorbing .
30 Perhaps that is what they want , but it is not good for either Britain or Europe .
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