Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] in every way " in BNC.

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1 Clara felt herself to be extremely fortunate in her membership of this group , and the insecurity of Janice 's position in it fortified her , for she knew herself to be more secure , less irritating , less tactless in every way than Janice .
2 So different in every way , even in looks , so grave and contained , so full of contrary ideas , and , sometimes , so blunt in uttering them , yet himself so perilously elusive .
3 How indeed , when Almsmead was so much better in every way than this creaking old hall and the Goldsboroughs ' possibly valuable but , in her view , horribly antique furniture which had come with it , held together , she often thought , by little more than the beeswax with which it was polished .
4 Yes , my wife is more or less unrecognizable in every way .
5 They stared at one another , and as her mama had so often said , and thought again as she watched them , they were so alike in every way except their sex that they might have been two sides of the same coin .
6 The present study is immensely rich in every way , and is an impressive foray into largely uncharted territory .
7 A gradual reversal of the parent/child roles may have to be adjusted to , as the elderly parent moves further on into old age and becomes more dependent in every way , and sometimes the inner fears and insecurities of an old person express themselves in jealousy , possessiveness and resentment of the daughter 's contacts with other family members or friends , which can create many embarrassing situations , and the need for small deceptions to keep the peace .
8 Wicked persons are also tempted to remove the plates from their own or someone else 's copy and frame them ; the plates and text are much more separable in every way than they were in the old herbals .
9 But Leningrad is far more artistic in every way , and there is the strange experience of emerging from a theatre at eleven o'clock at night to find the sun still shining brightly .
10 I 'm scared of him , and I 'm fond of him , and I want to be quit of him , and I want to stay with him , and he 's totally irrelevant in every way , and I 'm madly curious about him .
11 I will feel much happier … much more contented … much more optimistic in every way .
12 The canal route led through pleasant scenery and was more congenial in every way apart from being quite hard work through the many locks .
13 Lukasiewicz says that ‘ fast operations on dedicated tracks ( such as these ) have been most successful in every way . ’
14 But we were the staff and er er my uncle Jonathan was a very victorian in every way .
15 Shanti and Chris were very helpful in every way , and Shanti 's ready laughter and general cheerfulness was a great comfort .
16 Benjamin was clearly an ambitious and careful man , neither dissolute nor spendthrift , and was probably very conservative in every way ; he had made himself respectable in Victorian terms , generating enough of a cash surplus by a lifetime of hard work and good fortune to build up that stock of 3 per cent Bank Annuities and accumulate a healthy balance with the London Provident Savings Bank .
17 The paralleling of Sweeney and the Cyclops here does on a small scale the work of the anthropologists ' comparative method , ‘ to make manifest the similarities and identities underlying the customs of races very remote in every way from each other ’ , though both are part of the ‘ mind of Europe ’ .
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