Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [conj] even the " in BNC.

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1 He was on his way south from a place called Nunyerry when , he said , monsoon clouds forced him to fly lower and lower into the Turner Ranges , one of those areas of outback Australia that are so inhospitable that even the local animals hibernate below ground .
2 Jenny was heartily relieved that the recent bad weather had made the track so muddy that even the passionate and rather drunk Ted had not dared go any further .
3 It makes it abundantly clear that even the possession and academic presentation of information necessary for an ethnography could be actionable .
4 Already the biggest obstacle to the dissemination of improved techniques of mud building is that scientists and housing experts have decried mud so much that even the poor , who have no alternative to mud , do not want to live in it .
5 The Miscarriage Association believes that one in three pregnancies end in miscarriage often so early that even the mother is not aware .
6 It is perhaps appropriate that even the date of the birth of a personality who still eludes us despite the myriad of books written about her is uncertain .
7 The food was so hard that even the small denizens of the forest had left it alone .
8 121 yachts had their rigging and sails checked one last time and then crews pottered about anxiously , generating an atmosphere of nervousness so pervasive that even the spectators felt tense .
9 The security at the Palace was so tight that even the band 's ersatz manager , Scott Piering , could not gain admittance for his close acquaintances .
10 ‘ But the problem about heroin is that the money is so good that even the good people do it ’ .
11 Pauchling the figures has gone on for so long that even the newscasters have got sloppy , mostly failing to add the rider that the bald headcount does not include anybody excluded from claiming benefit for whatever reason .
12 ‘ It 's not anything to do with biology or psychology or any science or the old philosophies — it 's something so deep that even the most delicately poised approach almost inevitably occludes it .
13 The fact was that distrust of Chamberlain ran so deep that even the most unequivocal supporter of rearmament in the labour movement could not give unreserved support to his Government 's military preparations .
14 The area was so poor that even the dead rats in the street looked as though they had died of hunger .
15 Sometimes and in some places , the labour is so time-consuming that even the most hard-working of parents can not manage it unaided .
16 What I suggest to you is far more officers than the three you gave evidence of perhaps five or even the full six at some stage found their way into that master bedroom .
17 And everything about her , her long nightdress and the mist she was held in , was so golden-red that even the dark gold skin of her lovely face had a reddish tinge to it .
18 THERE are some disasters that are so ghastly that even the voyeur averts the eyes .
19 The planet p' is so small that even the biggest available telescopes can not possibly observe it ; the experimental astronomer applies for a research grant to build yet a bigger one .
20 The bearer pulled him into a passage so thin that even the narrowest of stalls could not wedge itself in .
21 Until recently the fact that the strength of engineering materials is usually only between one and five per cent of the strength of their chemical bonds was of little practical significance because the joints between the various component parts of structures were so inefficient that even the strength which the material had was scarcely used .
22 The vegetation that has not yet been destroyed by the goats and donkeys seems a mass of sharp thorns , and in some places it is so thick that even the goats can get through only on their knees .
23 His good humour was so infectious that even the fräulein managed a wan smile .
24 The marshes of Essex , he said , were so right-wing that even the newsagents were white .
25 There is a very strong link between the list that I have read out and the authorities whose councillors advocated non-payment — Lambeth , for instance , whose councillors were so bad that even the Labour party had to remove them from office .
26 It is little wonder that even the most confident individuals experience some difficulty in trying to make sense of such an environment , one which is alien to most people .
27 The resulting aircraft is much more versatile than even the legendary DC-3 and avoids the ever increasing costs of maintaining and operating a piston engined aircraft — turbine fuel is available worldwide but fuel for reciprocating engines is available in an ever diminishing number
28 The Latvians had fascists who were more vicious than even the Germans .
29 But on a much longer time-scale , involving thousands of years , they behave differently and can ‘ flow ’ like a highly-viscous liquid , millions of times more viscous than even the stickiest treacle .
30 No wonder Milton was aware that the ways of God needed more justifying than even the greatest of English epics could contrive to do ; and Paradise Lost , as Empson believed , is a poem more than occasionally conscious of the ultimate injustice of the dogma of atonement , and it thrives poetically on its contradictions .
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