Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [conj] every [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Thirdly , quality is only possible where every component of the organisation 's needs is defined and appropriate training procedures are identified and implemented in order to improve the staff selection process .
2 A little earlier when they 'd listened to the Army vehicle 's wireless her hearing had been so acute that every syllable spoken sounded as if it were being shouted directly into her ear .
3 The ditch sides were so slippy that every time the frog jumped 2m up the side of the ditch , it slipped back down 1m .
4 ‘ Like everywhere else we have tightened our belt so much that every pound has to be accounted for , ’ he explained .
5 When Arthur was sound again , I had Countryman and Lannegan , and somehow I did n't enjoy riding him so much because every time he jumped , I was afraid he 'd be lame .
6 Giorgio Armani wears navy , beige and more navy — punctuated with the occasional white T-shirt — and he has built an empire on the principle that nothing becomes a woman so much as every shade of sludge on the mud flats .
7 The species is presumed to be so homogeneous that every individual can be treated as the equivalent of every other .
8 It was almost two years since then , but the scents in her nostrils were so evocative that every detail of that occasion came sharply into her mind .
9 With a stifled sob Perdita stumbled upstairs , slamming the door so hard that every ornament in the house shook .
10 They 'd sack the drug-testers , saying : ‘ Steroids are now so widespread that every athlete should be allowed to take them wholesale ! ’
11 Communication skills will have to be much better and every player will have to be acutely aware of what the ball carrier is going to do .
12 Er about this strike and er but time went on and it became obvious that er nobody were going to win only the boss like this boss , course he was he was scratching through , and so they called the strike off and every person who worked at er every firm had a meeting and they all decided to take so many and every firm took so many of the workers and so nobody was ever unemployed as a consequence of the strike which was very very good .
13 How much longer could she go on saying no when her body was alive with a hunger for him so deep that every pulse of her blood screamed yes ?
14 but there used to be a caravan down here , I 'm not joking the value of stuff that was in it , was unbelievable and it was so clean and every thing had a place and it was all mirrored inside , cos he liked the mirrors and , or glass work , oh it was beautiful
15 The ground is literally parched and every blade of grass is yellow as sulphur , but independent of this the land in the interior is less rich and the fen of the country less fertile than any country I have ever traveled [ sic ] .
16 ‘ Not even when we were lying so close that every inch of our skin touched from head to toe ? ’ he challenged her softly .
17 Folly tried to flinch away , but he was so close that every movement seemed to bring him closer .
18 Clearly , it is highly desirable that every pupil should become literate and numerate and be conversant with certain basic facts about his or her social and physical environment .
19 I 'm not surprised because every time
20 Is he not aware that every specialty at the Foresterhill site , with the exception of laboratory services , voted overwhelmingly to reject the trust ?
21 The grant payable depended upon the number of children who could read , write , and do arithmetic to the satisfaction of the individual inspector , and therefore it was not unnatural that every effort was made by the managers of the school , to see that the inspectors ’ tastes in such other matters as food and drink were duly considered when he visited them .
22 From that moment on they were trading on nothing more substantial than every banker 's memory of their ‘ soundness . ’
23 We do n't want to leap into this without being totally sure that every point is acceptable , ’ he said .
24 Until recently , it was regarded as vitally important that every worker should read the monthly updates and a spare copy was sent to each bureau .
25 The whereabouts of the other two tureens are still unknown and every time I open the mail I hold out some hope .
26 ICC chairman Sir Colin Cowdrey ( left ) is clearly furious that every time he has been ready to make a statement about the Texaco Trophy events of August 23 , Pakistan 's lawyers have threatened writs .
27 It is thoroughly believable that every organ or apparatus that we actually see is the product of a smooth trajectory through animal space , a trajectory in which every intermediate stage assisted survival and reproduction .
28 They are slightly bitter but every part is edible , including the pips .
29 as ordinary as every day .
30 Which is why the Colorfast range of cosmetics is as unique as every woman who chooses to wear it .
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