Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [prep] [art] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Mm , I do n't blame you , not many of the cos some of them are , are a wretched likeness .
2 hard ones , yes , and just good on the and soft ones .
3 Marks had grown greyer , more hairy , more stringy in the years-since their last meeting but he was the same man , shrewd , cynical , and a cop to the bone .
4 Well you feel more confident with the Cos you , you have improved your posture .
5 Expressed one way , as we generally shall , they are of the form If a occurred , then even if any events or conditions logically consistent with a and b had also occurred , in place of those which did , b would still have occurred .
6 Or , as we can as well say , Even if any events or conditions logically consistent with a and b had occurred , rather than those which did , if a occurred then b did .
7 There is also a staff of er other people , the ones that you you already know Michael who is is really responsible for the as it were welfare of volunteers and there 's another er what four people are n't there .
8 It 's as near to the as it would have been from there
9 Thus power comes with political longevity , and once appointed to a coveted committee , a Senator or Representative will be loathe to accept , let alone seek , reallocation to another with the more junior status that will ensue , unless the move is clearly likely to be politically beneficial in the medium-if not the short-term .
10 Why are there grave areas , areas of uncertainty and responsibility erm Rivers Authority er Area Manager I believe , Mr er presented the position from their point of view er in particular circumstances on the night of thirtieth December er the er Southern Water whose responsibility is primarily sewage erm er describes circumstances that they have been contending with and a great deal of criticism erm was what we had to anticipate if you like or do anything er to contend with the unusual circumstances of that night erm the consequence was that a large number of new houses in the very close to the that runs through Barnham and under the railway there erm and er not ordinary surplus water flooding , but sewage flooding and the consequences then for many years er it 's obviously going to give , quite apart from having to live with it , er it will on the properties themselves and adversely affect er the ability of individuals to sell them off .
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