Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [verb] [pers pn] [art] " in BNC.

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1 So that gives me an idea of where I 'm headed . ’
2 Mike added : ‘ Feel so Fine taught us a lot about how the music business works which we 've now put into practice — like having a good distributor for the single .
3 We are some way from the context of the debate , but if the Minister really wants evidence of how appallingly badly the service is being delivered , I shall be extremely glad to send him the 20-page Tower Watch survey of Archway Tower social security office .
4 My mum 'cos it 's so much cheaper to buy them the more .
5 I am sorry it has taken so long to send you a copy and return your slides .
6 It is no good complaining about militants running everything if we have not spotted what is happening because we 're so busy doing it the way ‘ we always do ’ .
7 Carry on doing this until we find a degree of difference sufficiently small to give us a " yes " answer to Question 2 .
8 ‘ It was so Irish to call it the Half House . ’
9 It is usually only fair to deny you a right to appeal if top management has already been closely concerned in the matter because of your senior status or because the business is so small that there is no one left to whom you can bring your complaint .
10 ‘ He 's going to do some errands for me so I thought it only fair to give him a bit of food . ‘
11 ‘ It seemed only fair to give her the chance to opt out , but I do n't think the Palace had much say in the matter .
12 It will be comforting to me at any rate personally to know that even so eminent a , a , er an ornament of the present administration as my Noble Friends also found these th th this material a matter for stumbling and was not perhaps inclined to give it a crown of lucidity .
13 In the circumstances the degree of kinship was sufficiently close to secure him the support he required .
14 Seumas Ban the steward whiles comes down special to give me the word , so that I can tell the bees . ’
15 That raises the question of whether or not that gives him the sort of ‘ job security ’ necessary to experiment with the new players coming through in the hope of building a side capable of beating All Blacks , Wallabies and Springboks .
16 She was such a heroine in her own way because it was not possible to give her the attention and comfort she deserved yet she never complained .
17 It 's not right to call it a boulder problem ; it has 16 moves and is 25 feet long .
18 He was not free to give her the untrammelled life that she deserved .
19 19 Then Joseph her husband , being a just man , and not willing to make her a publick example , was minded to put her away privily .
20 But I was told that unless I could produce a current driving licence or passport — neither of which I possess — they were not prepared to give me an account .
21 let me make you one up to objections , I 'm not prepared to give you a decision tonight , what would you say to them on that ?
22 In other words you agree with the customer , right , now take my words , you wan na think it over , right , we 're not prepared to give you a decision tonight , eh , now I 'd say something like , well that 's understandable , and we 've gone through as many things and debt this evening as we probably need to go through , do n't you agree ?
23 that is the hardest objection you can get , right , we 're not prepared to give you the decision on the night , I wan na think it over , it 's the same objection , right
24 If teachers do not believe that their pupils are able to be more responsible for their own mathematical learning , then they are not likely to give them the opportunity to be so .
25 Erm I 'm in I 'm in some difficulty because this is this is a matter that 's arisen since the original matters er matters for discussion were drawn up so I 'm not able to give you the formal views of the council in that respect .
26 Unfortunately this means that we are not able to send you a copy , but suggest that your university might be interested in investing in a copy once the 4th edition becomes available next year .
27 If you know what a life mine is , in ways I was not able to tell you the other day , and what a terrible story mine has been , you would pray for me much . ’
28 It has been held , however , that the licensing board is not entitled to make it a condition of the renewal of a licence that the applicant use his premises in a particular way , as , for example , by keeping a door locked : Smith v. Portsmouth JJ. [ 1906 ] 2 K.B .
29 Direct mail selling frequently uses database information to try and sell only to those people whom the seller thinks are the most likely to give him a sale .
30 It is rather unfortunate to call it a force because it is n't one .
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