Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [verb] you [art] " in BNC.

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1 I am sorry it has taken so long to send you a copy and return your slides .
2 It is usually only fair to deny you a right to appeal if top management has already been closely concerned in the matter because of your senior status or because the business is so small that there is no one left to whom you can bring your complaint .
3 let me make you one up to objections , I 'm not prepared to give you a decision tonight , what would you say to them on that ?
4 In other words you agree with the customer , right , now take my words , you wan na think it over , right , we 're not prepared to give you a decision tonight , eh , now I 'd say something like , well that 's understandable , and we 've gone through as many things and debt this evening as we probably need to go through , do n't you agree ?
5 that is the hardest objection you can get , right , we 're not prepared to give you the decision on the night , I wan na think it over , it 's the same objection , right
6 Erm I 'm in I 'm in some difficulty because this is this is a matter that 's arisen since the original matters er matters for discussion were drawn up so I 'm not able to give you the formal views of the council in that respect .
7 Unfortunately this means that we are not able to send you a copy , but suggest that your university might be interested in investing in a copy once the 4th edition becomes available next year .
8 If you know what a life mine is , in ways I was not able to tell you the other day , and what a terrible story mine has been , you would pray for me much . ’
9 now it says I 'm now able to offer you the arranged dates
10 Does n't this give you a little glow ?
11 Now while we 're on this point about what exactly am I entitled to , erm we ought to say a word about credit notes cos there are a lot of shops who say well erm you know it is it is n't company policy to , it is n't our policy to offer refunds , but we 're quite happy to offer you a credit note .
12 Some of the requirements may be unnecessary but we urge you to adopt the suggested techniques wherever possible to give you the practice that is needed before you can become a competent report writer .
13 ‘ I am certainly willing to give you a free hand … and to express whatever conclusions you come to as to guilt or innocence .
14 Er the other thing to come to if you do n't want to spend fifty pounds although we 'll be very pleased to see you the banquet in the afternoon and there 's a lecture in the afternoon at two o'clock ?
15 Simply contact the Homecover staff at Frank Glennon Limited who will be only too pleased to offer you a free insurance appraisal on your existing policy and a Homecover quotation .
16 Never slow to bring you the very best in dynamic demos , the ZZAP ! 64 Megatape department proudly preeeezents — TURBO THE TORTOISE !
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