Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] to make the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It shines out like a beacon in the finished job despite all efforts to disguise it , ( efforts which only seem to make the fault worse ) .
2 This makes them move away from each other and so tends to make the star expand .
3 It suddenly started to make the long-drawn-out screaming noise of bits of metal in distress .
4 My thanks to all of the Area Council Members who all worked to make the event the success that it was , and to Ciaran Ryan , who took time out from a series of meetings to make the presentations .
5 But in the second set of experiments , a neural event preceding the RP would only serve to make the effect Libet is claiming even more striking and alternative explanations still need to be sought .
6 But again , the objection only serves to make the point .
7 Although they could afford to pay real money for USL , they were well aware that it was losing money and AT&T was highly motivated to make the sale .
8 Several of the original cast were written out within months of the launch , and there were many other changes — but all failed to make the soap a winner .
9 Several of the original cast were written out within months of the launch , and there were many other changes — but all failed to make the soap a winner .
10 They may be dazed and talk as if delirious , incoherent , stupid , forgetful ; worse ( < ) for mental exertions and is averse to speaking or even having company present ; too tired to communicate and not wanting to make the effort .
11 British dealers , who have also enjoyed a profitable year , have not had to make the panic payments .
12 All agreeing to be wrong or at best ineffective is not going to make the voice of Europe louder in the councils of the world .
13 Ranasinghe Premadasa , the dead president , appeared to have learnt that indiscriminate killing of Tamils was not going to make the problem go away .
14 ‘ There 's a certain point when you can see the inside of the track , you can see the outside of the track and you know you are not going to make the corner , so you give it more throttle .
15 I 'm afraid I 'm not going to make the party , though . ’
16 ‘ I 've just got to make the dressing , ’ said Scarlet .
17 And I 've just got to make the tie .
18 ‘ I would not wish to make the argument that we 're sinking scientifically , ’ says Sir Eric , ‘ but there are signs that the squeeze has gone too far and that any further squeeze — and all the evidence suggests there is another bit of squeeze in store for us this coming year — will do real damage which will not be easy to recover from . ’
19 Among their reasons for submitting was a fear that outlawry would lead to the destruction of the church ; in February the king was already threatening to make the outlawry permanent , and in March even the archbishop had his horses seized by royal officers while he was en route from Maidstone to London .
20 We 'll just have to make the catapult in two parts so it can be reassembled outside . ’
21 Jozef paid a theatrical farewell to his young lover , telling him not to forget to make the phone call he had promised .
22 ‘ I 'm not just trying to make the final .
23 As Haslemere has already begun to make the town accessible for wheelchair-bound people , would n't it be nice if the town could become totally accessible for both able bodied and disabled people .
24 ’ She did not care to make the point any more strongly , or to admit any anxiety on her own part , not even to this impulsively talkative companion whose goodwill and sympathy were already taken for granted .
25 Belau was not required to make the land available until such agreement was reached .
26 ‘ Half a mill , maximum , ’ said Fonda , but he was ready to negotiate because he desperately wanted to make the picture .
27 I just wanted to make the point that the rules are n't everything … it 's an attitude .
28 On migration , erm I really just wanted to make the point that erm the structure plan and er as supported by the local council is really seeking to meet the needs of the resident population .
29 The handsome and sombre costumes , historically accurate , are relieved by colour only in the auto-da-fe , which seemed to belong to another production and signally failed to make the flesh creep , even when the fire was lit in the victims ' underground cage .
30 Emily Bond a new name from Gloucestershire did best of all … she beat Heidi Hogh 6-1 6-0 but just failed to make the quarter finals …
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