Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] my [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 My best friend just now will not necessarily stay my friend for ever , although it is possible .
2 I 've only seen my daughter-in-law for three minutes since I got the news .
3 So began my search for a suitable bird .
4 ‘ To have a go-between , one who could move freely betwixt Tower and Westminster , betwixt my sons and myself , would greatly relieve my concern for their welfare . ’
5 Those invigorating tramps across the springy heather merely whetted my appetite for more .
6 Do send me an interim copy as soon as you can , even in draft or uncorrected form , so that I can all the better rack my brains for you !
7 But even this has not stopped my love for canoeing as I have been out many times since and this summer , when I was at camp , I was going down a weir , when I got caught in a stopper at the bottom and nearly drowned myself again .
8 I had not recognized my feelings for one of the women in the women 's group as being of any significance .
9 Zander have no problems sorting out live baits in coloured water in which I would not fancy my chances for pike using that method .
10 Because I just fixed my mortgage for four years with the Halifax , and it 's a total gamble fixing mortgages , by the way , if we , you know , because I do n't know where interest rates are going to go , but I , I fixed at seven point seven five percent for four years .
11 ‘ My respectful study of other religions has not abated my reverence for or my faith in the Hindu scriptures .
12 As a youngster in the 1950s my greatest delight was to run on to the pitch at Murrayfield after the full-time whistle , pat my heroes on the back and not wash my hands for a week , much to the disgust of my mother .
13 But you 've just argued my case for me , have n't you ?
14 BELVILLE : [ aside ] I find I can not master my passion for her .
15 And er soon as he come in the house he he just walloped my mam for nothing .
16 He would often go down to the Hare and Hounds at the west end of Hury — it 's gone now of course — but he was a grand man and his scarum ways did not alter my affection for him one bit .
17 His mates nodded and one said , ‘ I agree with George , I 've never known such a feeling of evil and I am not risking my neck for anyone . ’
18 ‘ No , it 's just slipped my mind for a moment … ’ said Bob .
19 But do n't just take my word for it .
20 He does not share my talent for deceit , the agility of lies .
21 He did not share my passion for Frank O'Hara , Robert Duncan , Denise Levertov ( whom I had met in London and Paris ) , James Merrill and the early Pound ; nor did I agree with his high estimate of Robert Lowell , Howard Nemerov and T.S .
22 I have still not recovered my taste for food .
23 Well folks , Here is my virgin entry into the world of the Leeds-United mailing list ( not counting my plea for the Leeds-Crewe score on Saturday whilst shackled to a PC ) .
24 But , after fifteen years alone on the island , I was afraid , and I did not leave my cave for three days .
25 As luck would have it , Sophie had had no arrangement of her own for this evening , and , either forgetting our pact , or not taking my need for it seriously as she knew my activities were , on her terms , so innocent , had dropped in to borrow some coffee .
26 In a statement on Austrian television he said : " After weighing the interests of our republic , the experiences of the past years , and also my personal plans for the future , I have decided not to offer my candidacy for re-election . "
27 ‘ The Americans are n't going to be impressed by somebody from Sprague 's Committee who was n't within miles of the Abbey telling them Not to worry old boy the Redcoats have muddled through again ca n't recall the details but just take my word for it …
28 Just take my word for it , Kenny , and do n't lose any sleep over it .
29 Just take my word for it .
30 I have already mentioned my contempt for those who do n't say hello on hills , so as this soul was alone I prepared to greet him or her heartily .
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