Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] him for [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 He would n't chase her after reading the letter she had left for him , politely thanking him for his hospitality and saying she was returning to Palma to complete her work before returning to England .
2 One of them rounded on him , grabbed him by the arm , but only asked him for his name and address . ’
3 She 's taking advantage of him , she only wants him for his money .
4 Coleen , however , although she loved Mr Cubbage , wanted time to think things over and would gently scold him for his haste .
5 Alexia and Cameron III gently chided him for his whistling habit , and he developed an aversion to his own work .
6 Has he any idea , she was wondering , that that woman is only marrying him for his money ?
7 ‘ Peter means well and people always forgive him for his little failures .
8 I always admired him for his tenacity of purpose and dedication — and envied his super brain-power .
9 Sir John died in Tooting 5 June 1670 and was buried in the old church ; his will shows a debt due from the tsar and an amount still owed him for his allowance as ambassador .
10 That period of his life also freed him for his experiments in other kinds of theatre which , although he never reverted to them after taking on his Stuttgart responsibilities , enriched his subsequent work .
11 This pupil went on to criticize him for his lack of ‘ fairness ’ .
12 His talents and character perfectly qualified him for his role and his motives expressed ‘ an awful sense of his duty as a Christian ’ .
13 My initial reaction was to write back thanking him for his time etc and making a few followup points , but Ive come round to the idea a personal meeting might be nice : - ) )
14 My initial reaction was to write back thanking him for his time etc and making a few followup points , but Ive come round to the idea a personal meeting might be nice : - ) )
15 Though he attempted a detailed rebuttal , chapter by chapter , Milton himself had to admit that ‘ Some men have by policy accomplished after death that revenge upon their enemies which in life they were not able ’ , and that ‘ they who before hated him for his high government , nay fought against him with displayed banners in the field , now applaud him for the wisest and most religious prince that lived ’ .
16 And I had not even asked him for his name !
17 Gosse 's friends invariably forgave him for his wayward humour .
18 A year before his death , Charles had written to Lord Mountbatten , once again thanking him for his help .
19 Dimas had reportedly clashed with the Prime Minister 's wife , Marika Mitsotakis , who had publicly reprimanded him for his behaviour towards Greek industrialists accompanying the official party .
20 He also commissions M. Bijou de Millecolonnes , who despises the ancients , and whose ‘ lightness , gaiety , and originality ’ are the antipodes of the ‘ solidity , solemnity and correctness ’ of Sir Carte Blanche , to build in a ‘ wild sequestered spot ’ in Regent 's Park a pavilion reminiscent of Nash 's at Brighton , which gives rise to a rumour ‘ that the Zoological Society intended to keep a Bengal tiger au naturel , and that they were contriving a residence which would amply compensate him for his native jungle ’ .
21 Battuta put up with all this for he had reason to believe that the Sultan would amply reward him for his efforts .
22 She stood by him , she never reproached him for his failings , and at times he felt even worse because she was so forbearing .
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