Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] by her [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Indeed , ’ he agreed , seeming a little irritated by her interruption , as if , as when he was giving a lecture , he preferred to hold the floor .
2 Secretary Karen Haywood said she was relentlessly pursued by her boss Stephen Pointer .
3 She had never liked them , perhaps taught by her mother 's obsessive fear .
4 Laure 's distress was obviously compounded by her sister 's suicide .
5 Her deportment , said to be ‘ like a queen ’ , was perhaps formed by her work at the dressmaking and millinery shop , Cranborne Alley , Leicester Square , to which she journeyed from Southwark , where her family was living .
6 And anyway , I was so overwhelmed by her mother , who was so sweet to me , that I wanted to be her friend .
7 Mia , 47 , is said to be so devastated by her daughter 's affair with Allen she has been unable to eat .
8 Beside the note , lying on the bare boards , Vanessa and her cohorts ( she had two brothers ; it was probably they who 'd come with her to empty the house ) had left a neat pile of broken glass , in case he was sufficiently moved by her entreaty to end his life there and then .
9 Sir John , it appeared , had retained a sufficiently fond memory of his cousin , and was , besides , so moved by her plight that he went himself and fetched her back to Switham .
10 It began in September 1989 and has taken just over a year to finalise all the details with the design being personally approved by Her Majesty The Queen .
11 Lacuna spoke quickly , apparently frustrated by her inability to fathom the Doctor 's thoughts .
12 Gary 's nervous mare stayed at her side and Gary , perhaps inspired by her example , straightened up and changed his expression from scared to belligerent , which made him look remarkably like his brother Nails .
13 It has been especially adapted by her father to take the strain of the amount of money she always collects .
14 As an Archdeacon should , Theodora thought , as she drafted a neat set of interlocking triangles on the sheet of foolscap thoughtfully provided by her host .
15 Her mistress having died , she adopted us , not we her , about 5 weeks ago , and though our old cat finds her a bit of a trial he does seem somewhat rejuvenated by her presence .
16 Early in the 1950s , Richard Titmuss pointed out that the average working class woman marrying in her teens or early twenties during the 1890s experienced ten pregnancies and spent fifteen years in pregnancy and nursing compared with an average of four years so spent by her counterpart in the years following World War II .
17 Julie was admitted to the ward at 2 pm. accompanied by her mother .
18 He was so hurt by her attitude he was nearly in tears .
19 I was so hurt by her amazement that tears came to my eyes .
20 ‘ She 's been so conditioned by her husband that she instinctively kowtows to any man who says ‘ boo ’ to her . ’
21 She and her brother went to see him and he was so touched by her gesture that he burst into tears .
22 He smiled , apparently entertained by her reluctance to be manipulated , and , taking a seat opposite , said , ‘ I , however , will tell you everything you need to know . ’
23 She was brutally assaulted by her brother 's friends , as they had turned into a frenzied mob .
24 His wife lunched with us , and I was much struck by her character .
25 The Bride strips herself , glowing with pleasure at seeing herself seen , but it is a poor solitary exercise , for she is only impregnated by her imagination .
26 Fly-leaf of a 1599 Bible perhaps inscribed by her husband to Shakespeare 's last direct descendant , his grand-daughter Elizabeth Bernard .
27 I was so offended by her behaviour towards me that tears came to my eyes .
28 Shiona felt suddenly strengthened by her decision .
29 It is as if by doing so a woman offers herself , ritually cleansed , to be entirely controlled by her husband .
30 THE jet-setting daughter of crooked publisher Robert Maxwell is showing few signs of curtailing her lavish lifestyle despite the plight of thousands of pensioners who were mercilessly robbed by her father .
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