Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] down the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 But a comparison with science departments at other universities — such as the Cavendish Laboratory at Cambridge — shows that Imperial College has not been too badly treated down the years .
2 Stones and earth ( weathered rocks ) slowly slip down the slopes , by soil creep , into the channels .
3 Apply cuticle remover all round the nail and gently push down the cuticles with a rubber-tipped hoof stick , a cotton bud , or cotton wool wrapped round an orange stick .
4 They have little experience of the style of presentation in higher courts ‘ and it matters ’ and whilst a number of solicitors are extremely good others ‘ let themselves down in court ’ and in doing so let down the solicitors ' branch of the profession as a whole .
5 It was easy enough to climb down the covers on to the floor .
6 Nasty strategies like Always Defect will come in to keep down the numbers of too nice strategies like Always Cooperate .
7 The strong feeling of a presence is felt , lights go on and off , doors open and shut on their own , the shadow of a man 's head is sometimes seen ; but on recording sessions , many unnerving things can happen , heavy breathing down the musicians ' necks , brushing past people .
8 The one-year course is only to lay down the foundations of good technical training — and it is widely recognised that the course simply pushes the student into the profession with enough practical experience to find his or her feet .
9 ‘ Well , I only write down the figures , really , but I do find it fascinating . ’
10 The fire brigade were called in to take down the ropes that year . )
11 It requires considerable commitment by already hard-pressed teachers , and considerable organizational skill by the management team , to ensure that such issues are truly taken on board , and do not somehow fall down the cracks between more clearly defined and familiar roles .
12 Do , shall I get one of these for David just to jot down the hours ?
13 I 'd happily part with my money just to hear the sensational Philadelphia/Ormandy Rachmaninov Vocalise ( ‘ Never mind the meal , just turn down the lights ! ’ ) .
14 Can I just go down the shops , Kelly and me are just going get something ?
15 She says to me I 've explained to her how to do it and she says yo I 'll give you a bit of paper you just write down the answers !
16 Prices and incomes policies have been justified historically on the grounds that , if successful , they serve directly to scale down the rates of increase of money wages and absolute prices while minimizing the rise in unemployment which a policy of demand restriction would entail .
17 Sherry would do something like that because apparently she 's always walking down the streets and like taking her top off and showing her tits to everyone and sort of like pulling her trousers down .
18 Although they are a principled pair — they once turned down the Smarties Award on moral grounds — the Ahlbergs reject the notion of children 's author as moralist .
19 The motel-supermarket-hamburger civilization has now been superimposed on what was left of nineteenth-century towns , and has further worn down the differences between one region and the next , but it is doubtful whether the mass mind or the mass man has yet come to pass , except to the extent that people always conform to a prevailing style while it lasts .
20 Did you ever go down the caverns ?
21 The Bank also laid down the requirements for its own operations in the market :
22 He was always getting up to wander down the aisles , interfering with the card school or listening in to people 's personal stereos .
23 I also jot down the questions I did answer and ask myself if my answers were open or closed .
24 Cheerleaders of the new policy , like Charles Krauthammer , a columnist , speak with approval of the new ‘ unipolar ’ world — in which ‘ our best hope is in American strength and will , unashamedly laying down the rules of world order and being prepared to enforce them . ’
25 It would be agreeable to report that on at last sighting the ocean I , like Vasco Núñez , promptly prayed a lot , rejoiced even more , cut down a fine tree and erected a cross , then had the expedition secretary carefully write down the names of all my companions for posterity .
26 The British Press habitually looks for an opportunity eventually to knock down the heroes they have created and placed on pedestals , if only to do something new .
27 It is noteworthy , then , that the recipient often writes down the details that he is told .
28 you often get down the Tornados coming , whizzing down , below you , you know you 're looking down as they come past
29 Now write down the costs of being a martyr .
30 I will always have fond memories of watching Fred Daly jauntily striding down the fairways , whistling away and enjoying every aspect of the game .
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