Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] that [art] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 It was widely reported that the UK Ministry of Defence had reserved the right to dispose of its decommissioned nuclear submarines at sea , although the UK finally voted for the proposal .
2 It was widely reported that the UK had unsuccessfully argued at the committee meeting for a total suspension of the ERM and also that requests had been made for Germany to reduce its interest rates .
3 They set off for Siwa , arriving on 21 June only to discover that the LRDG was in the process of abandoning the place .
4 I can only assume that the NI went to press before the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait for this important factor to have been omitted .
5 ‘ It just so happened that the Rachel killing was at that time . ’
6 It so happened that the Gulf War in Kuwait was filling our attention , and so I switched on a video tape whenever something attracted me and I found that I would be most likely to record the daily sessions on the BBC 's Newsnight with Peter Snow discussing the disposition of troops over the battle zone using a visual aid which is now known as the sandpit .
7 It so happened that the UN Secretary-General , Perez de Cuellar , was himself a Peruvian .
8 In October–November 1962 the world seemed on the brink of nuclear war when the United States suddenly discovered that the USSR was trying to position medium-range missiles in Cuba .
9 While over 2,300 people wait on death rows countrywide to see if they will die or not , we can only hope that the US comes to its senses soon .
10 I would very much hope that the BBC will be enabled to continue such a service in the future not only monitoring post war circumstances in the Gulf but in discussing the tortuous approach to European Community integration in 1992 .
11 I do not wish to convey a sense of complacency ; I am merely saying that the Northern Ireland economy has done very much better in the latest recession — and would have done better still had it not been for the appalling IRA atrocities that make inward investment so difficult .
12 Capricious and Lothian , two of the flotilla 's escort frigates , swung at their buoys , which could only mean that the Jan Mayen had gone out to bring the submarine in .
13 Before the two Prime Ministers ' next scheduled meeting ( by then set for Aug. 27 ) , however , Meciar suddenly announced that the HZDS side would not be attending .
14 Thus President Woodrow Wilson not only insisted that the United States fight as an " associated " power — not an ally — but also later failed to persuade the US Senate to agree to his vision of a League of Nations .
15 He also refers to Johnson 's condemnation in 1760 of the fashion for defaming and decrying the House of Stuart ; and he reports a violent argument between Johnson and a Whig called Taylor , during which Johnson not only insisted that the Stuarts owned the true right to the throne of England , but that people disliked the Hanoverians ( as Johnson himself did ) and were so disaffected by them that they had generally lost interest in the monarchy altogether .
16 De Gaulle had long believed that the PCF 's tendency to align itself with Moscow invalidated it in crucial respects , and in November 1945 he had refused to give the PCF one of the three ministries that he regarded as essential to national security .
17 Earlier , however , Mr Maan had said he personally believed that the CRE investigation could damage the CRC 's relationship with the region , and he opposed the decision to start the inquiry .
18 ‘ Ideology ’ , for Castells , does not necessarily mean that the Chicago School is in an absolute sense ‘ wrong ’ .
19 Yet these divergences did not necessarily mean that the Plantagenet dominions were an incoherent and ‘ overextended ’ political , economic , geographical and cultural agglomeration .
20 He suddenly remembered that the Budmouth coast was famous for the number of swimmers drowned there every year , and he began to be afraid that he would soon be one of them .
21 I entirely agree that the Geneva convention — the fourth convention — applies to the occupied territories .
22 The USA had constantly insisted that the Krasnoyarsk radar station should be dismantled , calling it a major obstacle to the conclusion of a START treaty , and had rejected as inadequate a Soviet decision on Oct. 27 , 1988 , to turn the complex over to the Soviet Academy of Sciences for civilian use .
23 One can only speculate that the GMC took the easy option and avoided testing the issue of clinical ecology head on because it feared a lengthy presentation of evidence on both sides , with the risk of an inconclusive result .
24 THE US government is playing down claims that the Clinton administration is keen to raise the European Community 's import ban on hormone-aided beef as a stalling issue in the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade talks .
25 It merely argues that the CAPM is untestable .
26 The askaris are now gathered around the vehicles , perhaps fearing that the Masai will attack them .
27 I do rather feel that the Montagues and Capulets music is a little too hectic , but the other episodes are beautifully managed .
28 The final total was 606 , scored in only ten hours of excellent batsmanship , although it was widely felt that the England selectors had helped them along by omitting Foster and playing two spinners , Cook and Miller , on a pitch of low bounce .
29 It was widely suspected that the Tucayana had links with the military and had been involved with anti-insurgency operations against the Jungle Commandos and that they feared the establishment of a police force for the interior composed mainly of former Jungle Commando members .
30 He had brilliantly and successfully argued that the Toraja religion was one and the same with whatever " Hindu-Balinese animism " might be — and thus Toraja religion was permitted to survive .
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