Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] it [prep] this " in BNC.

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1 Peter not only hears it on this occasion but several times in the future , as the book of Acts shows .
2 Like , all their films came , like Alex 's film of er Spain empties the camera basically puts it in this pile they keep in a drawer somewhere of films , okay ?
3 And it shot it went down shot it through this barrel and inside was hydrogen gas and as it went through
4 Because the characters and the dialogue of this offstage life were created by the original cast , we have not included it in this script .
5 Erm we feel rather badly about not returning it to this person who made it for us
6 Randy , as you can see , has finally made it into this issue .
7 I mean I 've not done it before this is
8 I got a bit left over from when I cut it I 'll just bring it in this bit , there .
9 I just put it in this one .
10 Berger gives a good analysis of this latter process , even though he does not understand it in this way .
11 I did not see it like this at the time , but arched
12 Undoubtedly the parties did not see it like this .
13 Well just wipe it , it does n't matter , just wipe it on this towel .
14 When you do file extract , just er , saving part , it 's not removing it from this .
15 ‘ They decided not to use it on this trip because opening it might disrupt the passengers .
16 ‘ Yes , but we 're not starting it till this evening . ’
17 Erm and er what I would like to see , and I 've long wanted to see this coming out of the church , is a rite of passage that I with integrity can offer to any parents who come to me with a , a , a lovely little baby in their arms saying to me parish minister can you give us something that would satisfy us , and they 're not saying it like this , but they want a rite of passage .
18 But at the end of the discussions between the project coordinator and the client , when you have actually helped him and led along , you could have this , or you could have that , or perhaps we could just take it to this stage , cost some options out and give you a recommendation .
19 It does , it might not seem it at this moment in time , but eventually you will understand everything that 's in there , and what it means to you , yes ?
20 Making the bend in a bamboo stick is surprisingly easy over a candle flame or similar , but be careful not to burn it at this vital centre point of the kite !
21 ‘ I always wear it like this for work , so leave it alone . ’
22 ‘ I always write it on this page , ’ she explained .
23 We always had it like this when Miss Alicia was alive . "
24 Indeed , the growth of theoretical or basic knowledge in any field would logically push it towards this pattern .
25 and you have to be careful with the master volume , not to set it too high , oh let's have a look well you ca n't really do it on this one
26 I 'll really turn it of this time .
27 When you pay good money for a standard rose , you do n't expose it to this kind of danger for the sake of short-lived appearances .
28 Even if you ca n't make it to this Aladdin 's cave of a track where diners have access to all the latest betting news at the touch of a button , there 's always the 0891 numbers .
29 ‘ But I do n't want it like this .
30 I think Concorde 's a wonderful design but I would n't want it in this water meadow .
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