Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] to her [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 She slowly got to her feet , her eyes wide with fear .
2 Wrapped up in it , like a cosy cocoon , she rolls around the stage , or strews parts of it across the floor only to sink to her knees in the middle of the pile .
3 She suddenly rose to her feet , pushing her chair back and reaching for her bag .
4 She has to put her life back in order to rid her of Fred whose antics are only adding to her problems .
5 ‘ I know what you mean , doctor , and no ; no , he has n't , but- ’ She suddenly sprang to her feet and was standing rigid .
6 She cleared her throat , then to her dismay tears suddenly sprang to her eyes .
7 Anna only went to her meetings if she was accompanied , and never after dark because she trusted no-one else to guard the children .
8 If the truth were known , he had only acceded to her wishes because it took him away from her , allowing him access to libraries , bookshops and students of all races and creeds — many of them Irish .
9 And as she spoke , Mrs Denham , in the garden below , suddenly leaped to her feet , and started gathering up her things ; they could not catch what she was saying , but she seemed faintly agitated , and Martin too got to his feet , though not with any movement that could be described as a leap , and appeared to offer , though ineffectively , to help with his baby .
10 This would only be possible if she had intensive 24-hour cover : if she could employ carers both night and day who could be flexible enough to adapt to her needs rather than vice versa .
11 Donna finally got to her feet and wandered outside , glancing up at the board , noticing that her train was due in about five minutes .
12 ‘ I have a feeling that Silvia may have finally come to her senses . ’
13 Just listen to her tapes .
14 Donna said nothing ; she just dropped to her knees , the .38 still gripped in her fist , face bruised , her lip bleeding .
15 She flinches as a machine gun stutters nearby , then wanders over to talk to her budgies , Niki and Nikica .
16 They always chose an aisle seat so that Sweetheart could slip away to talk to her friends without disturbing anyone .
17 She is reading a letter she has just written to her parents . ]
18 She was already rising to her feet when Gerard the butler taped on the door before opening it .
19 The lights were dim , and the room was dark ; her brother did not respond to her cries , so the girl went inside to look for him .
20 When weddings were weddings , and the scullery maid would faint if she were seen by her ladyship in the wrong part of the house not attending to her duties , there were rules of etiquette and runic codes to cover every contingency .
21 The singer was ready to start , and some couples were already dancing to her tapes .
22 One horrified look told him that Daisy had already sunk to her pasterns .
23 Seduced by all things fine and feudal , Meridon will not come to her senses until she returns , like an avenging O'Hara to her Tara , to the land .
24 She had the feeling that this morning 's events would have been faithfully reported by Marie and she sincerely hoped that the girl did not add to her earnings by serving as a waitress here .
25 He would not listen to her instructions and caused a lot of damage by climbing on furniture and shelves , banging things with his toys , knocking down displays in shops , and so on .
26 She went off to attend to her cultures , and Reynolds handed in the form and the catalogue to the copy clerk .
27 Her previous experience as queen of England conceivably added to her attractions , and Swegen 's treaty with Richard may have facilitated the discussions , especially if , as is quite likely , Cnut was present when it was made .
28 Maggie quickly rose to her feet .
29 Rosie at once scrambled to her feet , the marbles she had in her lap dropping and clattering over the polished wood floors .
30 ‘ These plates are cold , ’ said Patrick Milligan senior , looking up from his place and staring down the table at his five-year-old daughter , who at once scrambled to her feet .
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