Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] to their [noun] " in BNC.

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1 With these exceptions , troops lived in barracks , and certainly the officers were rarely posted to their home territories .
2 Many parents bitterly objected to their loss of control over their children ( and particularly to the violence of ritualised corporal punishment ) .
3 The group instinctively rose to their feet , but John said in a firm voice , ‘ You are not taking my wife up the stairs .
4 Every day of the week , Maureen Timmins and her daughter Amanda sit down to write to their friends in America .
5 They lived frugally off a diet of porridge and lentils and beans and yogurt ; they drank a little beer , making it spin out ; they shared book-buying ; they were both entirely confined to their grants , which did not go far in London , and could not be supplemented with holiday earnings , for these had vanished with the oil crisis .
6 However , the fact that the royal scholars had found conservative rather than revolutionary arguments to support their case only added to their appeal , and Henry read the Collectanea with interest and approval in the late summer of 1530 .
7 This had become a source of irritation to her companions and only added to their resentment .
8 Labour MP Tam Dalyell yesterday said : ‘ The fact that these allegations are made in a book generally praising the conduct of British troops only adds to their seriousness .
9 For civil servants , the advantage is that the doctrine leaves them utterly free of any repercussions arising from their advice and thus greatly adds to their freedom and power .
10 Were they so committed to their cause that the thought did n't bother them , like the Japanese .
11 Anger , discontent , anxiety , hunger and even parasitic infections ( all related to their work as laundrywomen , rural labourers and domestic workers ) are filtered through the metaphor of nervos .
12 This suggests that the constant complaints of their social superiors , that the poor 's expenditure was irrationally related to their incomes , were not simply class prejudice .
13 The foresters , both riding and walking , and their pages take for a cart two , three or four shillings , from some more and from others less according to their means , and for a pack-horse twelve , sixteen or eighteen pence , to raise their fine which they have made with the warden for their appointment ; this to the great destruction of the King 's forest and the grievance of those who have woods in the forest , for they suffer the carriers to go quit all through the year without attachment , and yet the King has no profit …
14 By the same token , teaching them is important , but only if it is constantly related to their purpose within religions .
15 Strong , silent types only add to their problems , the British Psychological Society heard in London yesterday .
16 ‘ Just imagine him standing by the side of you , with his hands crossed before him in a Miss Mollyish style , his intended bow half a courtsey , his fat arms and legs assisting , as in duty bound ; his side glances at you every ten seconds , while he softly , sweetly and insinuatingly informs you — that he has made the arts his peculiar study for the last eight years , and that he flatters himself , by his unremitting study he has greatly contributed to their improvement ; that he came to Ambleside for that purpose ( 't is a great big lie — he came solely to get a living for himself and family , but he is too proud to acknowledge this ) and hopes that the time has been employed with equal advantage to the arts and to himself . ’
17 Women are generally less tied to their work and more able to adjust to retirement ( though as more and more women devote great energy and interest to a career , this is changing ) .
18 Having established this effective , impressive mode of building , so suited to their race , the Germans seemed unwilling to abandon it .
19 This makes perfectly good sense , provided that that understanding is organically linked to their studies .
20 Some firms are acting as though this measure will only apply to their companies . ’
21 This reaction attributed evolution to pure chance and held the opinion that complex animals could not be considered better adapted to their environments than more lowly forms : all represented degrees of specialization .
22 The most generally accepted mechanism of evolutionary change is the modern version of Darwinian natural selection , based on the simple propositions that ( a ) like begets like , though with minor , essentially chance , variations ; ( b ) all organisms are capable of producing more offspring than actually can survive to maturity and reproduce in their turn ; ( c ) those offspring that do survive to reproduce must in some way be variants that are better adapted to their environment than those that fail ; and ( d ) those favoured variants are likely to reproduce the favourable variation in their own offspring .
23 Evolution does not always make creatures more complex , more intelligent , bigger , better adapted to their environment , or whatever .
24 This led to elections for a new Constituent Assembly in which the Christian Democrats emerged as the strongest party , had one of their leaders — Georges Bidault — made premier , and were then able to draw up a constitution better suited to their tastes .
25 It is also more reliable and better suited to their needs .
26 Similarly , the attempt to remove barriers to investment has merely led to their redistribution , for instead of paying rates inside Enterprise Zones firms pay higher rents and property prices ( Erikson and Syms , 1986 ) .
27 Opening day was one of the smoothest yet , managed by , all promoted to their positions from other CCG locations .
28 Indeed the evidence ( Wilson 1980 , Evans 1981 ) suggests that disruptive pupils are exposed to an inferior curriculum which may only add to their difficulties .
29 They finish with a rather ham ‘ Ballad Of John And Yoko ’ , a song better left to their contemporaries but we can forgive them one indiscretion .
30 They finish with a rather ham ‘ Ballad Of John And Yoko ’ , a song better left to their contemporaries but we can forgive them one indiscretion .
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