Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] to a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The expectation at an early age that career aspirations can not be met locally contributes to a lack of commitment to the home area and to the acceptance of out-migration as the inevitable solution .
2 Instead of finding sudden problems you might find that progress slowly grinds to a halt .
3 In 1843 he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society , the greatest honour that could be conferred upon a scientist , and one rarely given to a zoologist .
4 Lewis was plump , and rather coarse in appearance ; Williams , who has been unkindly likened to a monkey , was actually rather ethereal in manner , with his long fingers and piercing eyes .
5 And like any dangerous idea , this one was eventually referred to a committee .
6 The source of the leak was eventually traced to a vent which had been left open , and firemen hosed down the affected areas .
7 The source of the leak was eventually traced to a vent which had been left open , and firemen hosed down the affected areas .
8 This gate presumably led to a quay , or docks , and there are references to it in some Saxon charters .
9 Near him was a door which presumably led to a room beyond .
10 Built in 1814 , it is 72 feet high , and is often said to be the tallest windmill in the country , though that honour properly belongs to a tower mill at Sutton ( q.v. ) in Norfolk .
11 In the first place , as the age of marriage decreased , the years of potential childbearing for the wife increased , and this in turn eventually led to a shortening of the intervals between generations , so increasing the proportion of the population likely to get pregnant .
12 He felt guilty as he thought of Maeve 's sweet face , and embarrassed that he should be so powerfully attracted to a woman dedicated to God .
13 They were little loves to a dog , but whether they were , as billed , the cream of British dogdom , well , all owners would like to think their dogs were .
14 There are a number of men only too anxious to buy themselves a knighthood who might be most attracted to a project that catches the public sympathy . ’
15 The Cement Garden , by contrast , seems entirely professional in its execution , the work of a young man whose private demons , however unruly , have been successfully harnessed to a career .
16 The faster moving of the two bands presumably corresponds to a proteolysis product of Dcm ; in later experiments with a fresh batch of enzyme it was no longer observed ( compare Figure 8 ) .
17 It is a curious comment on Thatcherism , however , that the administration most committed to a reduction in the role of the state , and in the need for an independent private sector , has spent more on specific urban regeneration and employment schemes and incentives to private investment in urban areas than any other in recent history .
18 A bilateral treaty ( or one with a limited number of parties ) creating mutual rights and duties in personam most approximates to a contract ; it is here that the identity of treaty partners is most significant .
19 But even within it , we can see plenty of seeds of possible change : older women intensely committed to a work calling , older men who become housekeepers or carers .
20 A MAJOR row blew up last night after the Queen 's Christmas Day speech was apparently leaked to a newspaper .
21 ‘ Stable and fruitful societies have always been elaborately graded ’ , he wrote , and the mistake of apartheid was to make a single decisive distinction on one ground — skin-colour — and then to elevate into a rigid legal system what rightly belongs to a world of personal inclination .
22 The successes of penicillin and streptomycin naturally led to a search for further antibiotics .
23 Family cases should be only referred to a solicitor where detailed advice and negotiation about the arrangements to be made for financial provision and for the children were needed ; other civil cases should only be referred once it was clear that court proceedings should be initiated .
24 It was so much the sort of remark one could only make to a girl friend , but Rupert took it very nicely and said with only slightly forced heartiness , ‘ Jolly good , and it 's an excuse for me to have a better meal than usual , too .
25 Where it is suggested to professional advisers , the suggestion will commonly be met with the caution and dubiety they naturally bring to a proposal lying outside their experience or practice .
26 Eventually the little bus was summoned again , and we jumped in thankfully and set off towards the plane , only to grind to a halt at Operations again .
27 The minister 's entourage and assembled media swept into the narrow office building only to grind to a halt on the stairs while he and Mr Fallon shut themselves off for a brief chat .
28 Quinn had watched him from across the street , tending his exterior fruit-display or disappearing inside to attend to a customer .
29 Darwinism , progress , conservation of energy , the psychology of Herbert Spencer , and physiology wrestling with the nature of life , all led to a world-view very different from that of the churches .
30 While fitting the rear offside wheel back on to Miss Clinton 's car , Jenny 's daddy had been called away suddenly to see to a tractor that had broken down on Farmer Pullen 's farm .
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