Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] in her [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Among other foundations , Queen Margaret ( whose efforts on behalf of the Church were duly recognized in her canonization ) set up her own private chapel on the Castle Rock in Edinburgh , now the oldest surviving building in the city .
2 Many portraits of Wordsworth and Coleridge exist , though unfortunately Dorothy was only painted in her dotage .
3 Daisy , having taken a fortnight 's holiday to drive Perdita around in yet another hired car , had never felt so shattered in her life .
4 Nevertheless , a close relationship was sustained , each Sunday evening saw the three brothers and their wives and children gathering together at Rachel Cohen 's home in highly convivial mood , Leonard 's grandmother being especially delighted in her firstborn 's firstborn .
5 A MURDER inquiry was launched yesterday after an 82-year-old pensioner died in hospital , ten days after being brutally attacked in her home .
6 He was constantly interfering in her life , lecturing her , ordering her about .
7 Now must the dagger she had long carried in her heart twist in an agonising dance .
8 She had been so immersed in her anger and indignation that she had been working on automatic pilot herself .
9 It was as Ling had said — she had only to look in her heart to see Silas .
10 And for the first time since he had so suddenly reappeared in her life Laura saw her husband 's shoulders slump , almost as if he was bearing the weight of his own brother 's horrific injuries .
11 She had never , she said , been so humiliated in her life .
12 This afternoon , however , she was too much perturbed in her mind to trouble about such things , and she rounded the corner at a run which would have spelt disaster had anyone been coming in the opposite direction .
13 She keeps nothing hidden from Edward , so confident is she of his love and so secure in her belief in the future that lies before them , unconventional and home-based :
14 At first Kerry could only collapse in her mother 's arms and ask despairingly : ‘ How will we ever find Ben ?
15 The testator 's intention once again appears to be that his daughter 's whole estate should devolve according to the rules of intestacy , and so end in her brother 's eager hands .
16 Then , head bent , she was hurrying back to the villa , suddenly knowing in her heart what had to be done .
17 Niall took his eyes from the road long enough to glance in her direction .
18 In the reign of Canute , an aristocratic woman called Godiva attending a vigil of prayer to St Etheldreda in Ely , was so kindled in her love towards the Ely monks , because of the ‘ beauty of the place and of their devotion ’ , that she granted three estates to the monastery .
19 Finding that Mary Read was totally in control of all work out there , she swiftly gave in her notice .
20 It had been long planned in her mind .
21 The ‘ friend ’ then made contact and took the new recruit along to join in her activity .
22 She then literally jumped in her seat as a huge peal of thunder crashed directly overhead .
23 She was not sure what their present domestic arrangements were and whether there was some splendid woman in the kitchen who had perhaps failed in her duty on this occasion
24 The ‘ drift into a law and order society ’ which Hall identifies did not by any means begin with the accession to power of the Conservative Party under Mrs Thatcher in 1979 , and its effects have hardly disappeared with her resignation in 1990 , but the ideology made its presence most felt in her heyday in the early to mid-1990s ( see Chapter 10 ) .
25 He made up his mind to tell Miss Claybury in the morning that things must change , otherwise he could no longer stay in her employ .
26 ‘ That 's my fault , naturally ! ’ she snapped , not halting in her step , but knowing that if Travis had gone to get plastered , as was probably true , it was not on account of her .
27 The useless question had no sooner formed in her mind when Rainald moved .
28 For once , Our Cilla was utterly biased in her choice of which of the three hopefuls should win Thursday 's star prize : five years of running the country .
29 If he nagged , she would beg him not to rummage in her past .
30 Richard Molesworth 's social rank ( he was nephew of the seventh Viscount Molesworth ) did not compensate in her mother 's eyes for the dangers of marrying a man with a violent temper ( supposedly caused by a head wound incurred in the Crimean war ) .
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