Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] the [noun prp] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 David and Geoffrey were perfectly welcome because they were English , but I was not welcome because I was American , so while they were staying on to see the May Day Parade , I was meant to leave and fly to Berlin where I would wait for David and Geoffrey who were going on by train through Poland .
2 The Dutch should have been aware of it , but strangely the RLD gave the KLM DC-10s a Netherlands certificate of airworthiness , or rather validated the US certificate , notwithstanding their considerable reservations about the strength or ventilation of the cabin floor .
3 The Leam flows northwards initially , but eventually joins the Bristol Channel .
4 And mother kept a shop , a sweet shop , on Eastwood , opposite where they eventually built the Eastwood Empire .
5 At the same time , the dollar proceeds from the investment are sold forward at 1 , the forward exchange rate , thereby protecting the US investment from adverse movements in the exchange rate .
6 In 1880 he successfully moved the Buckland yew , with a documented age of 800 years .
7 ‘ On the album I mostly used the Demeter head , the tweed Deluxe and an amazing 1950s 4x10 ’ Fender Bassman that I borrowed .
8 The baldricked and garlanded dancers , from Thelwall in Cheshire , entertained audiences with a traditional display which coincided with news that a record number of visitors had flooded in to see the BNFL exhibition .
9 The president of Rodez , Philippe Laut , rightly rebuked the Beglès man .
10 Finally , Medau News readers will be happy to hear that Beryl Beddow 's thyroid operation was successful , and she was well enough to attend the Lilleshall Course in May .
11 On the other side of the stockade , the pattern of the vegetation was changing , the earth burning up as the sun reached the ground unchecked , so many big trees had been cut down to erect the Belmont stockade .
12 Across the road in Parliament in the late sixties , as Wilson , Castle and Crossman wore themselves out in the cause , as they saw it , of a more modern and socially just Britain , there sat in the Leader of the Opposition 's office a man who not only shared the Jenkins view of workload but was planning exactly what he would do about it if the electorate gave him his chance .
13 In 1893 , when American celebrated the 400th anniversary of Columbus ( a year late ) , the robber barons who banded together to support the Chicago exhibition went on to found the American Academy in Rome .
14 Even here much of the relevant economic and employment data is by ‘ travel-to-work ’ area , and it is noteworthy that the Newcastle travel-to-work area , which includes both North Shields and Cramlington , extends up into Northumberland and down to include the Derwent Valley in County Durham , but does not include South Tyneside and Wear side .
15 ‘ In a subsequent editorial the newspaper fiercely attacked the CPS decision … and questioned whether the CPS would have made the same decision if the woman had been a black girl caught in exactly the same way on Broadwater Farm .
16 This not only disturbed the Junker sense of social stability , but played havoc with their income since it opened up the estates to the market force of unfettered labour : the Junkers were obliged to acknowledge a world that they had been desperately trying to shut out .
17 With bank interest over the years it amounted to some £320,000-certainly enough to meet the Ingard cheque .
18 The Ukrainian authorities have appealed to the UN and national governments for assistance not only to dismantle the Chernobyl plant but to wind down the republic 's whole nuclear programme .
19 It indicates the means whereby a form of Christianity which entirely circumvented the Pauline orthodoxy of Rome began to establish itself in Western Europe .
20 Below nestles the Culra bothy , surrounded by a thick green fog emanating from its occupants ' underpants , and to the north-west is the astonishing side of Beinn a' Chlachair .
21 It 's in the process of providing one at Benson , and it only provided the Heyford site because it had done a deal with the City Council over land and that
22 Edward was not only to regain the Angevin inheritance in France , but also the coast of Picardy , the Counties of Guines and Boulogne , and suzerainty over Brittany .
23 He had apparently adopted the Danakil custom of castrating the dead and dying .
24 Is the Prime Minister aware that people in my constituency of Blyth Valley eagerly await the RECHAR money ?
25 So says the Nottinghamshire branch of the British Association of Social Workers in the latest move against last year 's reintroduction of the cane in Nottinghamshire 's community homes with education .
26 So says the Nottingham Society of Chartered Accountants in its response to the Institute 's consultative document Manifesto to Members ( see ACCOUNTANCY , April , p 13 ) .
27 But the heroes who convey this impression are merely embodying the Apolline response to life 's horror : the attempt to make that horror acceptable .
28 Then Ron Waldron became coach and his own Neath players suddenly filled the Wales bill .
29 Another rebel said : ‘ He has tunnel vision and can only see the Maastricht Treaty .
30 Unsurprisingly , viewers in the Serb-held cities in Bosnia are no longer able to receive Sarajevo TV , but can only see the Belgrade version of reality .
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