Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] her [noun sg] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Poor Charlotte , Ruth thought , to be married , yet not able to take pleasure in her pregnancy — though she perhaps misjudged her mother-in-law a little .
2 In almost every case , there was burning resentment at a stress carried that the bearer was quite unable to disregard : bad marriage with one partner far too strong ; a dominant sister whose very existence seemed to crush ; an authoritarian mother who apparently allowed her child no freedom even in adult life .
3 He merely gave her shoulder an affectionate nudge and leaned back on a cushion .
4 The missionary ladies state that they are Christian , but do not appear very Christian in their attitude to blacks , for instance Mrs Merriwether only pays her maid a pittance and Zeebo , Calphurnia 's son is dustman .
5 On the 4th , Sophie , who normally visited her sister every day to help out , decided not to go , but to go out for a walk instead .
6 She had not told her friend the truth .
7 Millions of babies have grown up happy and healthy on formula milks and your baby will thrive if he has a mum who 's relaxed at feeds , not anxious that she 's not giving her baby the best start in life .
8 She trotted off again , through a really insalubrious area known as Bligh 's Corner , after some landlord , long dead , and she unconsciously quickened her pace a little so as to arrive in the relatively respectable square where the rectory stood , next door to St Jude 's church where Dr Neil 's household worshipped every Sunday .
9 With a start of shame she realised that she 'd scarcely paid her sister a moment 's thought since entering the gardens .
10 ‘ Yell if this is really painful , ’ he said , and slowly turned her foot the other way .
11 That 's what Ann said ooh if we ever owe her rent the dear old soul will say oh well next week 'll do
12 I once watched her approach an elderly politician .
13 Hair out of curlers , face cleaned up , she was in all probability downstairs now calmly making her mother a cup of tea .
14 Also , there is the situation where a wife may not feel she can really give her husband a present because the funds she would be spending would actually be his .
15 She turned to the stranger who had just finished talking to a mechanic who was now giving her car the once-over .
16 Kirsty do n't like her dummy no more now !
17 Johnny sauntered back to Cassie 's end of the room , an unpleasant smile on his face , and for the first time Cassie wondered uneasily if Bella were n't chancing her luck a bit .
18 Pulling on navy shorts and a pale blue polo shirt over her white lace bra and pants , she made sure the cabin skylight was open as far as it would go , then gave her sleeping-bag a brisk shake and spread it out on the mattress to air .
19 Mary said hullo to Jean and then gave her son a shrewd look .
20 Sort of stood there watching her cash the giros and then nicked her money .
21 ‘ Come with me , ’ he suggested , leaning forward to watch her lather a slice of toast with butter and marmalade .
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