Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] her [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Her words were ringing in her ears as she eventually made her way through Customs .
2 She waited until the car vanished round the bend then waited some more until the whine of the engine was at last lost in the distance , then she slowly made her way into the house .
3 A mother 's task is thus not to create something out of nothing but rather to dovetail her behaviour to that of the infant 's . [ … ]
4 If whatever happened to Summerchild that year had n't happened — if he had n't been found lying with the garbage in Spring Gardens — if Millie had n't stopped playing in the orchestra — if I 'd gone on seeing her week by week — grown up with her — become easy with her — married her — then Timmy would still have a mother at home .
5 Peggy Ashcroft duly got her gong for playing Lilian , 50 years in the bin , but She 's Been Away was considerably more than a kind of Rain Woman ; a vehicle for acting technique .
6 She eventually found her way to the social services department .
7 Molly had secretly enjoyed her initiation to sex on the night of Yanto 's near drowning , but then she had had to curtail her natural emotions for fear of waking her Father .
8 it is an artists ' book of the first order , the making of which has been managed from beginning to end by the artist herself , thereby satisfying her desire for creative control over every aspect of its production .
9 She stood , arms extended but bent , and slowly moved her head from side to side .
10 She could not merely flush her body like a toilet bowl .
11 ‘ He walked in to see her standing in the kitchen naked with burnt pubic hair , ’ said Mr Godsmark .
12 In practice this rarely happened , and anyway since childhood , even before she was old enough to wear her hair in the Lock of Youth twisted over her right shoulder , she had known the location of the hidden bolt , and how to slide it .
13 Prolonged contact with Rune could only make her parting from him more painful , the recovery period afterwards more protracted , the absolute cure less certain .
14 No — each lady had personally placed her cake on the long table — without assistance .
15 Suzie looked from one to the other , obviously enjoying her moment of glory .
16 Karenin was a direct result of that society and even before she left him she knew there was no way out because she was n't strong enough to sacrifice her position in society .
17 This is particularly true of Gertrude who only wants her son to be happy , but her cheerfulness and pleadings with Hamlet only make the situation worse .
18 But a week later the Texas supreme court greatly complicated her task by unanimously declaring Texas 's new law on school finance , laboriously agreed upon after four special sessions , to be unconstitutional .
19 She could n't really believe that he 'd weakened sufficiently to accept her presence without further protest .
20 Amused by her own alliterative descriptions , she smiled , only to pull her mouth into stern control as she saw the resulting flash of triumph which illuminated Rune 's features .
21 But the strangeness of the tropics and the sophistication of the almost-forgotten culture from which she had sprung had greatly exaggerated her sense of release from the frustrations of the past .
22 On the verge of passing out , she felt them connect her bluetower to the memorizer and Jezrael drowned in someone else 's memories , the battle-plans and layouts bulling their way in to trample her personality beneath them .
23 ‘ She prefers not to give her name , and will only discuss her business with you personally . ’
24 He gently stroked her cheek with his finger .
25 However , by patient wheedling and soft talk I managed to touch her and gently stroked her cheek with one finger .
26 Then he gently stroked her stomach in a circular motion , luxuriating in the feel of her pubic hair brushing the edge of his hand .
27 Rider Haggard 's mouthpiece through this turgid mixture of heightened passion and exalted mysticism is a middle-aged but still susceptible university professor swayed by Ayesha 's beauty but still detached enough to observe her effect on Leo ( who is , it must be confessed , a bone-headed and highly conventional aristocrat-hero ) and her wilful inconsistencies of mood and intention .
28 Rachaela had expensively rescued her furniture from store .
29 When the party eventually broke up Ross merely lifted her hand to his lips , before leaving to join his parents at their hotel , some miles away .
30 Then , somewhat to Morse 's embarrassment , she suddenly buried her head on his shoulder and clung tightly to him .
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