Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] their [noun sg] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The social worker decided that the only way forward was a family meeting as the sons individually could not tell their mother the situation .
2 They affected to despise her , but they did not find their contempt a strain , whereas the other really bad disciplinarian in the school , a Geography mistress , one Miss Riley , inflicted on them an intolerable suffering , for they felt themselves compelled to torment her , and she would sit before them , thin and pretty and anguished , making vain attempts to restore order , miserably transparent in her misery , and unable to conceal the depths of her humiliation — depths which frightened them , but which they could not leave unplumbed .
3 About 20 people from Low Coniscliffe , near Darlington , spent yesterday giving their village a spring clean .
4 still pay their money every week .
5 Davies boost RUGBY LEAGUE : Welsh stars Jonathan Davies and Kevin Ellis yesterday gave their country a big lift when they declared themselves fit for Sunday 's British Coal international against France in Swansea .
6 Those who have lost their teeth and wear dentures should still visit their dentist every six months .
7 Cambridge 's inability to shake off Oxford , who poignantly named their boat the John Hebbes after one of their oarsmen who died recently , by the end of the Surrey bend was the crucial factor .
8 I suppose you have to let them experiment and then learn their lesson the hard way when they take a spill . ’
9 As the students came forward to claim their luggage the gendarme watched them closely , randomly checking passports and train tickets .
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