Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] with a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Joint-ill should be vigorously treated with a prolonged course of broad spectrum antibiotics and often flushing out of the affected joints with sterile saline , under deep sedation .
2 Corners of the garden which are awkward and difficult to plant decoratively because of their size and soil state , could be successfully filled with a container-grown herb or herbs , even changing the display as the seasons alter .
3 Although many port wine stains in adults can be effectively treated with a pulsed dye laser , this may not be the most effective treatment and a considerable proportion of lesions do not respond .
4 Anyhow , we had open views over the Heath and Vale of Health and it made a lovely family home even if it was badly designed with a huge wasteful " well " in the middle of the house which had the advantage of enabling us to come downstairs in a series of flying leaps , holding on to tall mahogany pillars at the corners of the stairway .
5 They are plushly decorated with a red carpet and a fine wooden floor , and the walls have recessed oil lamps , paintings and hangings .
6 Dr Scott , from long experience , did no more than wrinkle his nose at the odour of decay , and spent twenty minutes there , mostly occupied with a careful consideration of the head .
7 Besides laughing with a comforting or gratifying sense of superiority when confronted with pictures of the incompetence of figures who the readers may recognize as representing their fellow men , the readers may also be regarded , she suggests , as laughing at common humankind and thus also ( unconsciously ) at themselves .
8 Even an advanced Intelloid can not be properly programmed with an inclusive appreciation of human laughter-stimulation … ’
9 Folly was suddenly filled with a shuddering sense of urgency .
10 Bernice 's mind was suddenly filled with a vivid memory : she was almost reliving the moment when she and the Doctor had been discussing the difficulty of tampering with the TARDIS .
11 I am suddenly consumed with a ridiculous curiosity .
12 The room was sparsely furnished with an ancient sideboard , a small kitchen-dresser , a table and two chairs .
13 As I slipped Martina 's book between the folds of my best suit , Felix knocked and entered bearing a white package the size of a small coffin , flamboyantly fastened with a blood-pink bow .
14 ‘ Natty suddenly called out , ‘ Look massa ’ ; in an instant the air before us seemed literally filled with a dense mass of these birds , which had suddenly rose from under the trees at his exclamation ; we had scarcely time to raise our guns before they were seventy or eighty yards off ; our united discharge , however , brought down eight additional specimens , all of which being merely winged and fluttering about , attracted the attention of our kangaroo dogs , and it was with the greatest difficulty that they could be prevented from tearing them to pieces ; in the midst of the scramble , a kite , with the utmost audacity , came to the attack , and would doubtless , in spite of our presence , have carried off his share , had not the contents of my second barrel stopped his career .
15 The former kitchen had been made into a small dining room almost entirely filled with an early Victorian table and set of six chairs which were undeniably the real thing .
16 The ‘ pervasive desire ’ for a cappella solutions has been impelled by the musical excellences made possible by the choral institutions ( all tinged with a Protestant Englishness that most members of the forum probably imagine that they have never espoused ) .
17 The trouble was that the organ was in a rather awkward situation at the base of the skull , below the inion ( that is , the external occipital protuberance ) , a part of the body which , in most ladies , Nature has thoughtfully cloaked with a fine growth of hair .
18 Perhaps bands with a dark side , with occult associations , will always be lumped into the HM category .
19 Perhaps bands with a dark side , with occult associations , will always be lumped into the HM category .
20 The females can literally smell success , and will only mate with a victorious male .
21 Bobby pounded on the door with his fists , but Enoch only responded with a Jewish incantation .
22 Thus individuals are only presented with a limited choice of tenure and , according to the Nationwide Building Society
23 Yeah they have to be deep littered all winter but they could perhaps do with a clean though that 's not bad in there .
24 The Israeli delegation rejected such an interpretation and insisted that it would only negotiate with a joint Jordanian-Palestinian delegation .
25 Drake is only waterfowl with a drooping black crest , and is readily recognised , even at some distance , by strongly contrasted black upperparts and white flanks .
26 Herbs too are a practical addition so keep them near the back door , perhaps framed with a fragrant low hedge of lavender or santolina .
27 As tribal culture weakens , status and power will come to be less connected with an outward demonstration of wealth , and this may pave the way for a more powerful generation of entrepreneurs as specific commercial objectives come to supersede those of status .
28 They say I have only flirted with a temporary vice and its vice-keeper and , having survived them both , I am still me and I am no junkie .
29 As a result , a political response to economic crisis does not arise automatically , but may only emerge with a considerable lag , and its content will be highly variable from polity to polity .
30 This fountain , perhaps of ‘ the milk of Paradise ’ , is only produced with a vast effort : the process of creation is very difficult .
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