Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] on her [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She was awoken , what seemed only minutes later , by a heavy weight suddenly landing on her chest .
2 Her father , Stefano , who had listed himself as joint coach , is now once more directing her training on court , while Laurie Schuett , a trainer from the Palm Beach Sports Institute , Florida , has been drafted in to work on her fitness .
3 She was held up briefly in the final when the in-form Sanchez-Vicario swept to a 4–1 lead ( and deservedly so ) and yet Martina , the grass court player supreme , merely drew on her experience , stepped up a gear , kept her nerve and won 5 games in a row to deflate the Spanish challenge .
4 Anyway , I 'm only passing on her message .
5 For a time DeVore simply watched her , following her every movement with the hidden cameras , switching from screen to screen , zooming in to focus on her face or watching her from the far side of the room .
6 How could she say , politely , that she had better calls on her time and money than to devote either to mendicant little talents ?
7 Moving with a superb masculine grace which suggested the muscular co-ordination of a regular sportsman , Rune side-stepped her , blocking her way , his hand moving swiftly to fasten on her arm .
8 Shelley suddenly swung on her heel and ran down towards her jeep , her breath coming in searing sobs as she ran .
9 She hurtled over cliffs in flaming cars or was brutally murdered on her way to the dry cleaners .
10 Distraught Sarah Miles was forced to wait twenty minutes for a rival bus — just days after another girl the same age was brutally raped on her way to school in Essex .
11 the last sixteen days she just lived on her drip .
12 There was one member whose sight was so bad that when she read she not only had to prop a second pair of spectacles on top of the pair already resting on her nose , but also had to stand under the standard lamp almost pressed against the light bulb .
13 A hostess in tight teeshirt and jeans lingers only long enough to assure Kate discreetly with her eyes that she is not poaching on her territory , smiles velvetly at Jeremy , brings them their drinks .
14 BARBARA Bush seems hurt and angry that the American voters have finally turned on her husband .
15 is risk management assistant at Lower Brook Street , and will soon become on her marriage to systems analyst , on .
16 Romantic attachments did not feature on her agenda .
17 Mrs Dibble experienced Lena 's generosity when the ribber attachment she had bought from a mail order company would not work on her machine .
18 They did not pause on her arrival , though Alix , ever polite , waved obliquely to welcome her back : watching them , it occurred to Liz that perhaps in all the years they had all known one another , this was one of the very few occasions on which they had all been in the same room .
19 Dressed with extreme casualness himself in trainers and jeans , he ignored her outfit and she was left feeling uncomfortably in the wrong , almost as if he was doing her a favour by not commenting on her appearance .
20 A little further away was a young woman who had just arrived on her horse , with her maid on foot .
21 The grey eyes flicked over the curves of her body , and finally rested on her face .
22 This may say something about Bridget Freemantle , that she did not stand on her dignity in her friendship with the poet , even though she came from a more genteel background , and was about the age of Leapor 's parents .
23 Not contrived on her part at all .
24 I humoured the old lady , who soon went on her way .
25 She often works up to 16 hours a day and says that her role as Pro-Vice-Chancellor does not intrude on her research .
26 The Chief Engineer , was on the dawn watch and shook me with a cup of tea at daybreak saying , " Hey Ron , I think that boat we wanted has just passed on her way into Poole . "
27 ‘ It 's Loretta Lawson , ’ she said lightly , in case the messenger had not passed on her name .
28 Mrs Bennet had hurried away to check on her house but was soon back .
29 Only the highest quality product wins the approval of quality controller pictured with assistant ( soon to become on her marriage to fiancé ) .
30 And Miss Streep duly arrived on her bicycle which she chained confidently to the theatre railings .
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