Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] be [adj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It was the best time of his life , and everything since has been second best .
2 What has been less recognized is that legal structures constitute the family and roles within it .
3 So immersed are many black kids in their sport or sports , they sometimes neglect their academic work .
4 So trained were these beautiful animals that they would trot from their stalls whenever they heard the fire alarm bell .
5 The recommendation most widely noticed was that full-time students should normally study a wider range of subjects — five A levels plus one AS level , rather than three A levels as at present .
6 What we do not need is another socialist experiment starting next Thursday .
7 What I did not know was that English soccer was televised in Algeria .
8 His stage presence lately has been little more than a presence ; he seems happy to stand in the shadows , occupying his usual spot on the drum riser while the spotlight dances on Bez and Bez dances with Rowetta and Rowetta plays with her whip , a caricature bad girl playing with the bad boys .
9 What this argument did not anticipate was that new , flexible methods of manufacturing made possible by electronics sharply reduced the minimum economies of plant scale .
10 ‘ What I have tried not to do is big black drawings of steel works , ’ said Mr Crowley , who was pleasantly surprised that his pre-conceived image of lots of chemical plants and an over-used river did not do justice to the scene .
11 This may imply that in cremating areas the vessels were made a certain size for the specific function of containing the ashes , whereas in areas practising inhumation there may not have been such specialised production , the vessels being drawn from the domestic stock .
12 The preparation of the foundations and the timbers alone would have required considerable time and although C12 is the largest building excavated at the site , the effort required to build many of the others would not have been much less .
13 Do n't forget , I have lived here three months , and although I know the family to be close-fisted there can not have been much more than that . ’
14 His unhappiness should not have been any great surprise , as St John 's was known as a high Anglican school , elitist and exclusive .
15 There can not have been any English fans who had expected their team to win the series , but the manner in which they were just being steam-rollered seemly scarcely credible .
16 She was er I mean was a pop s ex pop singer , I 'd only just stopped singing a few weeks before I started to work with Sybil and she could not have been more gracious and generous in helping me get through it .
17 The police took what may or may not have been three different names and addresses and cautioned the men .
18 She paused too , just before she reached him , and he felt the whole thing could not have been stage-managed better .
19 Until recently there would normally have been two interpretive stages .
20 Here , I used four different designs as they add interest , but they could easily have been four matching designs .
21 No , the fact of it was , Diane and her employer might easily have been two different species for the way that they looked at the world .
22 The number of intervening sentences in which the item was not mentioned is one obvious variable , but more interesting would be the effect of such discourse boundaries as a change of scene , where a whole set of items can be assumed to enter the consciousness of the addressee , presumably pushing out old ones .
23 Yet might there not have been some confused episode , something which , when Irina was much younger , had distressed her , appalled them both , something which neither of them in their childishness — for here Ludens saw Marcus as a child — had really understood ?
24 What they would not accept was that vain and dreadful C.P. Snow , whose appointment as Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Technology was as insulting to the scientific community as it was to the Labour Party .
25 For information relating to short times , two approaches that have been widely used are dynamic mechanical thermal analysis ( DMTA ) and dielectric thermal analysis ( DETA ) .
26 But what usually happens is that unacceptable ( as opposed to lethal ) levels of toxins stress the fish , leaving them abnormally vulnerable to attack by opportunistic organisms .
27 But I 'll always remember being that lonely kid .
28 Another point which is not always recognised is that covert research can itself impose severe restrictions on the kinds of questions that one may legitimately ask and the sorts of people to whom one may have access .
29 But what is still lacking is any general survey of the terrain .
30 The longest strike ( O ) RTF had ever experienced was one obvious sign . ’
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