Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] of [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 or kind of oven in nine , I can only think of Oakhouse as a kind of oven but erm I do n't know whether that 's it or not .
2 Sadly , this is what Arts educationalists like Malcolm Ross ( 1978 ) would deny our children , for he can only perceive of drama as a Performing Art .
3 Much depends of course upon what is meant by ‘ success ’ as well as by ‘ policy ’ and ‘ planning ’ .
4 This would sometimes draw Laura in and she would spring tigerishly to Bernard 's defence , especially if some long dreamed of project of his was under threat through lack of cash .
5 Where rejuvenation intervenes before the river has had sufficient time for lateral erosion to form a flat valley floor , there will not be river terraces at the side of the stream but merely breaks of slope in the valley sides ( Fig. 9.6 ) .
6 As I mentioned early the , the city of Sermaria it was under siege and the army of Seria was encamped all around it , Ben Hadad was a great warrior , he would of been the , the Alexander or the Napoleon of his day and he had set up this encampment around the city of Sermaria , nobody could get in , nobody could get out and very quickly the stocks of food and water er were used up , rationing would of been introduced but it only lasted for a certain period , they 'd got to the stage it tells us in the previous chapter that er , that a donkeys head was sold for eighty shekel 's of silver and some folk had even got to the , had sunk to the level of cannibalism , of eating their own children and the city was , when they heard about this they were in an uproar and they started blaming god and in between the city of Sermaria of all its suffering and hopelessness and helplessness and the army encamped about with all of their supplies , there was this area of no mans land in which they were caught up four men who were leapers and they were trapped there , they did n't want to go over to the Serians because they 'd be killed , they did n't want to go back into the city because they were n't allowed there and any way what was the point , they 'd only die of starvation in there and so these four men are caught up in no man 's land and yet their no better off than people in the city , now god had promised deliverance , through his serve and Eliger he had promised deliverance , Eliger said tomorrow about this time a measure of fine flour shall be sold for a se shekel and two measures of barley for a shekel in the gate of Semaria , he said the gates are gon na be open , there 's gon na be food and its gon na be a reasonable price and it says the royal officer who 's hand the king was leaning on said the man of god said behold , if the lord shall make windows in heaven could such a thing be , he said do n't talk stupid man , how can such a thing happen for us ? , he did n't believe what god servant said and Eliger brings out to him a terrible judgment , he says because of your unbelief you will see it , but your not participate in it but lets look at these four men for a moment , cos that 's where our real interest lies this morning , I just wanted to say three things in their experience , the first things is that they were amazed that , at what they found , because after they come together and they talk about it and they said well what shall we do and they weighed the pro 's and the cons and Semaria does n't look very attractive with its cannibalism , they said well the least if we stay here were gon na die , if we go into Semaria we 'll die , lets go down to the Serein camp , the worse they can do to us is put us to death and were dying men any way , but they may just take pity on us , we maybe allowed to grope around in their dustbins and get some scraps of food , they may at least allow us that , and so they make their way down just as evening is falling , they make their way down to the Serein lines and when they get there , they are amazed at what they find , you see their condition was helpless and hopeless , they were dying men any way , they were lepers , but they were dying of starvation , that was far more imminent than their leprosy , their problems and their needs were greater than themselves , they could not meet their own needs , their problems and their needs were greater than their government , the king in Semaria and all of his court could not meet the needs of his people and then in verse five , we read something there , they arose at twilight to go to the camp of Aramians or the Serein 's and when they came to the outskirts of the camp of the Serein 's behold there was no one there , they expected to at least meet a guard , there would surely be somebody on sentry duty even if the rest of the soldiers had gone in to their tents and were perhaps getting ready for their , for the evening , going to bed or whatever they were gon na be doing , having their evening meal , there would at least be somebody on guard duty , but when they got there , there was no one there , god had stepped in , god had intervened and the good news of the Christian gospel is that god has intervened in our , in the midst of our helplessness , in the midst of our hopelessness , god has intervened , he had stepped in to history , so often you 'll hear folks say , well why does n't god do something , why does god allow this to happen , why does god allow that one , why does n't he do something all they really show by that comment is their own ignorance , because god has done something , god has intervened , listen to what it says in John three sixteen , for god so loved the world that he gave , he 's only son and the er , the er apostle Paul and he 's writing to the Gallations , in chapter four and in verses four and five hear what he says there , but when the time had fully come god sent his son , born of a woman , born under law to redeem those under law that we might receive the full rights of son , er of sons , god has done something , he 's sent his son Jesus Christ into this world in fact his done the greatest thing he could do , he has done the very ultimate thing , he has sent his son into the world that 's the greatest intervention god could ever have made , it was far greater than , than just intervening in sm , in some small local event , were you see some catastrophe happening and you say well why does n't god do something there , or there 's a war situation going on in some other part of the world , well why does n't god step in and stop it , god has stepped in , not in a local situation , not in some er passing problem or need but he 's stepped into the greatest way possible by sending his son Jesus Christ into the world to dye for men and woman , to take away sin , to pay the price that god 's righteousness demands for sin so god has intervened and his intervention has changed the whole situation , its brought a whole new complexion on things , its changed the colour completely , no longer is the world now under darkness and in , and in pending judgment in doom , because Jesus Christ came and he took that judgment and that , that condemnation upon himself , he said I 've not come to condemn the world he said its already condemned , its already under judgement , the sword of Damocles is already hanging over the world and Jesus Christ came in and to take that judgment and that condemnation on himself and when he died there on the cross and rose again , there came that burst of light in a world that had been shrouded in blackness and darkness , a world that had been shrouded in sin suddenly for the first time sees the light , god has paid for himself the price of sin , god has intervened and changed the whole situation and the message of the gospel is that if you and I allow that intervention to effect us personally , then like those four men surely we too are amazed at what we 've found .
7 We studied a human fibroblast cell line that was entirely depleted of mtDNA by long-term exposure to low concentrations of ethidium bromide as previously described .
8 Nitzer Ebb especially think of life as one long siege , a purifying test of your inner strength .
9 Moreover it is true that in one or two specific minor ways the express tried positively to limit serfdom — by ordering in 1781 that war prisoners were in future to become free men if they were converted to Orthodoxy ; and by reducing the possibilities which had hitherto existed of enserfment by marriage .
10 His previous attempt failed when four members resigned in protest at parliament 's refusal to lift the immunity of Bettino Craxi , a former Socialist leader widely suspected of involvement in corruption .
11 The three found so much to talk about that they did not think of tea till nearly five o'clock .
12 ONE OF the first railway privatisations of the century has finally come of age with the clearance of a unique hire purchase agreement with British Rail .
13 erm That 's one point , the other point is of course , we have already targeted of course in working with the groups that we 've defined as erm ones whose health status is at risk in effect , so this is a supplement , this is actually translating those targets we have already defined into a locality planning exercise .
14 When I wrote to Dr Barnardo 's , I said that they might not approve of money from such a source but the secretary who answered the letter said he was an old Selwyn man and the more we could send him the better .
15 Certainly , the complex set up in the city meant that the bishop , appointed in the time of Sigibert , was only too easily suspected of treason by Guntram — and the arrival of Gundovald clearly did not help matters .
16 Or if a jeweller said , you know , the rings in my window are made of gold when really they were not made of gold at all , then that would be a false trade description .
17 We suspected they were not made of sheepskin at all er and we took some of them away and analyzed them to find out what exactly are they made of .
18 The sight of them sent a warmth stealing through her veins , and she was afraid her new dress might soon smell of sweat like the old one .
19 How could she remain here , see him again , and not die of shame at the memory ?
20 In this example , ( 3 ) does not follow of necessity from ( 1 ) and ( 2 ) .
21 In Dresden , long known for a softer line than elsewhere , the Mayor , Wolfgang Berghofer , announced after talks with 20 church and New Forum opposition activists that he was willing to discuss their nine-point proposal , and release anyone arrested who was not accused of violence within 24 hours .
22 By the time the Earthtrust team arrived , two nursing calves had already died of starvation after being separated from their mothers .
23 But although he learnt such skills as writing feasibility studies , he soon tired of life in the grant-aided voluntary sector .
24 Now , Nell could not conceive of love between a man and a woman , could not bear the thought of ageing .
25 Similarly , in Jefferson v Cape Insulation Ltd ( 3 December 1981 ) Farquharson J awarded substantial damages to a woman who knew she must soon die of mesothelioma for her evident distress in being parted from her family : per Farquharson J : I have also to bear in mind … that the major misery this woman is going to sustain is not the pain , serious and terrible as that is , but the prospect which must be continually in her mind of being parted from her family , and particularly her youngest child .
26 Marine environments show a reservoir effect due to slow mixing of carbon through ocean waters and upwelling of deep ocean water depleted in 14C .
27 So just think of resistance as sort of something that stops the current , and as you increase it the current gets less .
28 Oh right I I was just thinking of sort of trying to you know cos he 's in his second year now for the
29 But it becomes clear that Krashen is not thinking of theory in general , that is to say of a theoretical perspective on pedagogy , but of a theory in particular which can be applied directly ; not , therefore , of the process of referring actual problems to abstract ideas but the process of making practice conform to a preconceived conceptual pattern .
30 Perhaps their hippocampal cognitive mapping capacity is simply desperately starved of use in a lab , and so responds almost greedily to the novel inputs offered by neurophysiological stimulation of input paths .
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