Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] its [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Rents should be related to the capital value of the property , thereby reflecting its popularity in market terms ’ .
2 None the less , the changes in ‘ Bantu education ’ have not fundamentally altered its status as education for inferiority and subservience .
3 It is human nature to advocate change in someone else 's affairs whilst vigorously opposing its necessity in one 's own .
4 Mountain View , California-based portable communications devices developer Eo Inc duly announced its partnership with AT&T Co , Matsushita Electric Industrial Co and Marubeni Corp to design , build and market the first generation of what it is calling personal communicators .
5 Just a month later , on 25 November 1944 , The Soldier 's Tale was successfully given its premiere by the Ballet Club at the Alhambra , Cape Town .
6 In 1931 , Horton visited Denmark to look more closely at the Folk Schools and their relationships with the trade unions , farmers ' co-operatives , and other cultural and social movements , and though he was in part disappointed by the fact that the Folk Schools had moved away from their original aims and methods , he was able to speak to many people who were involved in this movement and added another dimension to the idea which was eventually to find its expression in Highlander .
7 Lisboa went on to become the leading soccer club of the day and eventually changed its name to Benfica , the club renowned today in world soccer .
8 The allocation to L Detachment of specialists taken from Special Service units would greatly increase the scope of the units ' training and thereby augment its value to men who inevitably gain versatility and resourcefulness .
9 However , on Jan. 7 Russian Federation President Boris Yeltsin declared that what he called the " budget war " was not over , and that although his republic had agreed effectively to increase its contribution to Rbs78,000 million by funding specific all-union programmes , the central government was still demanding an additional Rbs27,000 million .
10 At about the same time , however , there was someone , somewhere , who was more than usually interested in chronicling Titford family details from past generations : a sheet of pale blue paper watermarked ‘ 1860 ’ was covered with names and dates by some mysterious hand , and eventually found its way into Benjamin 's own papers .
11 These men were grateful to be working at all , fearful that one foot out of place would end the cash flow that eventually found its way into some remote village on the other side of the Straits of Hormuz .
12 Reference to the production history of Falcon s/n 157 will confirm that the aircraft eventually found its way into the Canadian Armed Forces ( designated " CC117 " ) , where it was operated by the Airborne Sensing Unit ( ASU ) , from Uplands CFB , Ottawa , Ontario .
13 In 1861 the benighted Admiral Putiatin , Minister of Education , not only supported the idea of transferring censorship to the Ministry of Internal Affairs but also proposed the approach to the press that eventually found its way into law .
14 The area was once covered by a glacier hundreds of feet deep , carving valleys out of rock as it slowly ground its way towards the distant Tasman Sea .
15 Vast amounts of money were made through Cornish tin but very little found its way to the tinners themselves .
16 Labour has successfully shed its image of a party of sandal-wearing social workers from the 1960s .
17 This would seem to point to the need for more centralised bargaining since a government can most effectively pursue its policy of encouraging responsive bargaining if it can deal with the leaders of unions and employers who represent highly centralised structures , themselves have adequate authority and can expect appropriate support and consent from their memberships ( OECD , 1979a ) .
18 Israel had announced in October that it would attend the Ottawa talks , thereby ending its boycott of the multilateral refugee negotiations [ see p. 39167 for Israeli participation in multilateral regional economic co-operation talks in Paris in late October ] .
19 Instead of a genet locally consolidating its occupancy of a site , individual stolons wander as linear extensions of the genet into surrounding vegetation .
20 Shares in the manufacturer of bridal wear and nursery products , which only made its debut on the Third Market a year ago via a placing at 100p , stand at 136p .
21 Left to their own devices , most roses tend to develop new growth into which they direct their sap and energy , bear bloom , and which then — as it becomes old and tired — gradually either becomes starved , by-passed , neglected and finally aborted as the plant constantly turns its attention to new growth , or it develops a barky exterior layer as it settles down to becoming no more than a main road communicating between the raw material goods received from the warehouse in the soil and the production factory upstairs — quite often , a very long way upstairs .
22 The National Rivers Authority has only given its approval for half the planned graveyard .
23 The National Rivers Authority has only given its approval for half the planned graveyard .
24 The room was quiet except for a hidden fan that suddenly interrupted its humming with a series of squeaks like somebody rubbing his shoes together .
25 Burdened by hindsight , by a chronic fear of becoming bloated and self-indulgent , this indie generation tries to freeze-flame development at the point just before ‘ it all went wrong ’ , and so turns its back on the few things that went right .
26 Frank made an intricate gesture , which , although of alien origin , never the less conveyed its meaning with crystal clarity .
27 Soviet leaders have given no indication , moreover , that they are prepared to abandon the PDPA and apparently expect its apparatus to be retained in post-settlement Afghanistan even if its role is reduced and its monopoly of power relinquished .
28 Later , Cole comes near to conceding the point : ‘ in the eighties , Trade Unionism and Consumer Co-operation went on their several ways , each shedding much of its earlier idealism and each settling down to consolidate its position within somewhat narrowly delineated fields ’ , which will do as an anodyne description but which , in suppressing the pain , obscures the diagnosis .
29 Clearly they all function with the agreement of their management committees and funders , and within NACAB membership conditions , In fact NACAB has democratically voted its support for a broadening of roles , by reiterating in the new membership regulations the responsibility of the management committee for ensuring that bureau workers are trained in social policy work , and that they see it as a natural complement to bureau work when dealing with individual clients .
30 The elephant not only has its beginning in a single cell , a fertilized egg .
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