Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] take the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 All this of course took up a great deal of time and delayed the completion of Robyn 's thesis on the nineteenth-century industrial novel , which had to be constantly revised to take the new theories into account .
2 Some people only have to take the faintest whiff of the entrance hall of a hospital to be sharply transported back in time to relive a traumatic hospital experience ( endured during childhood perhaps ) ; they may feel shaky or even nauseous .
3 You 'll not want to take the little green job , the traffic 's awful in the middle .
4 Most radio stations in non-NPN states had already stopped taking the national news from FRCN in Lagos , and so it is probable that they too ignored the event .
5 The Alliance were briefly the controlling party in local government and just missed taking the Parliamentary seat at the 1987 election .
6 I did not dare take the whole brandy bottle , so I poured some into a smaller bottle to take away with me .
7 It is proof enough that Tom Jones is not going to take the easy path that most of his generation would choose .
8 it does it moves attention away just takes takes the little bit of the tension off you so you can do that as well .
9 TASS argued that they had nothing to withdraw , not having taken the original decision to strike .
10 The Labour Party was still expected to take the leading part , an agitation being started for an emergency Labour Conference to discuss the Alliance .
11 ‘ The motivation has to come from within and he also needs to take the right approach when he 's away from Anfield , ’ he added .
12 They will also need to take the same long-term view .
13 As the only boat in Division C she wins that but is also expected to take the joint C and D prize .
14 They were Black Michael 's men , probably coming to take the dead body of Josef away .
15 If it had n't been for Arthur Billstock , I would probably have taken the same road as Mark .
16 It also managed to take the Famous People Playing On Our Record concept to new and unlikely levels .
17 Use the accessory adaptor by itself with a wallpaper scraper and your Steamatic can also help take the hard work out of wallpaper stripping .
18 He eventually decided to take the latest letter round to the proper 27 The Grove .
19 But there 's something in even the very best of us which would really prefer to take the easy way out , if that 's at all possible .
20 Trailing 2–1 after the foursomes Ireland never really threatened to take the four points they needed from the singles .
21 George Raft , originally set to take the non-speaking title role , turned down the offer before shooting , reportedly because of ill health , and was replaced by Cesar Romero , in what was barely a cameo .
22 ‘ We did n't want to take the obvious Beatles quotes which most serious Beatles collectors will have , ’ explains Jim .
23 If you drive yourself fairly hard in most areas of your life , it does n't hurt to take the easy option in your leisure time . ’
24 Akram said : ‘ I did n't need to take the new ball before tea because the old ball began to swing .
25 the university has a new duty , we are told : there is a besieging host , everincreasing , of Indians , Africans , Commonwealth people in general , Levantines , who aspire to become university teachers of English literature , and must therefore have a PhD — preferably a Cambridge one ( though it is admitted that a large proportion of them could n't hope to take the English Tripos with much credit — even if they could pass ) .
26 Many people do not like working in an atmosphere of petty theft , and while they may not actually inform on their colleagues , they might well have taken the first opportunity to leave .
27 Not infrequently he wished his penis did n't have to take the entire responsibility for the success or failure of the operation .
28 She had n't wanted to take the four months ' pay from Nicolo , but he 'd been coldly adamant .
29 He had been invited either to refute the allegations publicly or to withdraw from the elections , and reportedly chose to take the second option .
30 There were some women who simply had to take the unfortunate literally to their breast .
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