Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [adv] the time " in BNC.

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1 Knotting on the matching pareo , she made a mental note to telephone them as soon as she collected her wits enough to work out the time in the UK .
2 Timing is started over the holding point , so work out the time for the turns as well .
3 If they can not see where the time has been recorded the time will not normally be allowed .
4 Chesarynth almost drank the wine just to fill in the time , but the thought of poison halted the crystal-stemmed goblet half-way to her mouth .
5 ‘ Certain highly technical factors , intelligible only to the expert and with which I will not take up the time of this inquest , have led me to conclude that Subject A had been dead for more than nine years and less than twelve .
6 I have details here of scores of cases , but as I can not take up the time of the House in referring to all of them , I will pick one or two examples .
7 The rejoinder must be : although we may generally have neither the time nor the inclination to look at literary language under the microscope in this way , the fact that it can be done is important , and the doing of it can not fail to sharpen observation , by making us aware of how larger effects are built up from smaller ones .
8 It all ended well , undoubtedly helped by the fact that one positive feature could be highlighted , namely the support and sympathy shown by the Emperor during the Indian Mutiny , when he had offered to allow passage through France to British reinforcements so that they could embark at Toulon , thus cutting down the time required for the voyage to India .
9 And we just had n't the time to do both .
10 Dunlop said : ‘ I agreed to alter the gear box for Darren so it would be more suitable for Donington but I was riding in every race after the 125 and I physically just had n't the time to attend to it immediately .
11 Well we thought about one but it but we let it grow again because we just had n't the time .
12 But even with her help I do n't concentrate properly in class , I just dream away the time , and then I ca n't answer the teacher 's questions . ’
13 just have n't the time to do it .
14 For you , teacher , it is not just beating out the time , or keeping the class in order ; you must show a lively interest and response .
15 Besides , he was sure we 'd quickly make up the time once we got out to sea .
16 Also to fill in the time she used Allen 's bow .
17 They probably have neither the time nor the inclination to go through the necessary learning process , and particularly so now that the more modern battery-powered devices are available and are so efficient .
18 ‘ I really have n't the time . ’
19 Maggie glanced at her alarm clock , but could n't make out the time .
20 She did n't have either the time or the inclination to hold ‘ receptions ’ — whatever they might be — but when she returned home at night , exhausted from her day in the City , she never failed to appreciate the deep sense of peaceful calm and serenity of the large , thickly carpeted room .
21 The members simply have not the time at their disposal to take on the continuous pressure needed to effectively construct a platform for alternative or opposing views .
22 At Bletchley I had begun to satisfy , however pathetically and inadequately , a desire to see the world about me , but then had neither the time nor the money nor the opportunity for anything other than very restricted local journeys .
23 In calculating the time when a review is due , the starting point is : ( a ) where a person is arrested outside the police station ( i ) the time he arrives at the relevant station ; or ( ii ) the time 24 hours after the time of his arrest , whichever is the earlier ; ( b ) where a person attends the police station voluntarily and is subsequently arrested there the time of arrest ; ( c ) where a person is arrested outside England and Wales : ( i ) the time he arrives at the first station to which he is taken in the police area in which the offence for which he has been arrested is being investigated ; or ( ii ) 24 hours after the time of his entry into the country whichever is the earlier ; ( d ) where a person is arrested in another part of the country and has to be taken to the police area where the offence is being investigated for questioning — the time at which he arrived at the first police station in the police area in question .
24 The law therefore singles out the time direction of irreversible physical processes as the direction of increasing entropy .
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