Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [adv] come [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Are keepi You are I mean obviously you are keeping yourself going cos you 're obviously getting out to come here and do bits and bobs but
2 Cos you 've got one more role play to do erm at your syndicate groups so do n't come here , go straight to your rooms , but start at two o'clock and then back here at five to three .
3 So do n't come here accusing me of — ’
4 Only do n't come home with the idea that the solution to every military problem is the helicopter . ’
5 ‘ They flocked around the pole , not daring immediately to come too near , their eyes and beaks devouring my body as I watched .
6 So it will come , just has n't come yet .
7 Molly and Judith frequently went visiting other girls in the community after dinner and as often as not did not come home for tea ; and , since Malka had married and left Cork , Judith spent even more Sundays out of the house .
8 ‘ I would just say please come home or ring us and let us know you are alright , ’ she added .
9 ‘ He still has n't come home . ’
10 I feel as if I 'll always have somewhere to come home to .
11 But screw-worms look like normal maggots and usually do n't come singly .
12 I also remember proudly coming home to tell Dad I 'd been made head prefect of my grammar school .
13 TEEN idols Take That nearly did n't come together — because of singer Mark Owen 's mum .
14 Everybody knows how forward they are in this regard in North America , but in my experience it 's just the same in Australia , Argentina , the Soviet Union and elsewhere : for a rain soaked water girdled nation we really do not come very high in the league of comforts and efficiency .
15 Norm was very busy these days , and often did not come home for dinner .
16 Oh come on now you do n't Come here come here
17 Please do n't come here
18 I 've put a note on my door saying , ‘ If you 've got problems , please do n't come today because I 'm not in the mood . ’
19 I went to work Monday and I could n't get out come downstairs for the week I was that stiff .
20 It is a funny world in which a child , however mature they may seem , is allowed to just go out without leaving an address or phone number and simply does not come home .
21 Maternity pay — 90 per cent of the employee 's usual wages for a six-week period — unfortunately does not come automatically .
22 If I 've had a great day and I 've been playing a lot and I feel real confident , it sometimes does n't come together on stage at all .
23 If I 've had a great day and I 've been playing a lot and I feel real confident , it sometimes does n't come together on stage at all .
24 ‘ The ultimate rock guitarist for me is Hendrix — for me , no-one else has ever come close to what he did .
25 ‘ No , I was in all the evening and he certainly did n't come here .
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