Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [adv] [prep] so " in BNC.

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1 ‘ May God protect him ! ’ said the chancellor piously , somewhat taken aback by so abundant a display of mother-love .
2 all sorts of things which are available which if I just brushed up on so at least if I went to an interview I 'd be able to talk about
3 And of course the coach had come up the hill could n't overtake where I was parked , blocking off the entrance to the lane where I 'd just come out of so that the string of cars coming down the road and the first one wanting to turn in and of course the coach had covered it .
4 So either one can not imagine postal activity in isolation , because it is conceptually bound up with so much else , or one can imagine it as the futile activity of a deluded loner .
5 Rhinos are mainly hunted for their horns which are then used in the Middle East for ceremonial dagger handles and also ground up for so called healing properties .
6 Yes , it 's very hard because you get to that stage where you know you can only really push forward for so long , then when it you know , the whistle looms near , you try and you know , you 're just going to go for the result really , and keep it you know , a clean sheet and just get a point out of the game .
7 Given their weakened state , the Dutch had done well to hold out for so long .
8 Against San Marino at Hampden in November 1991 , Scotland scored three times in the first half but then finished up with so many forwards that order went out the window and only one more goal was scored amid the scramble created by having Mo Johnston and Kevin Gallacher supplement John Robertson , McCoist and Gordon Durie .
9 It is a relief to hear him taking the Trio at the same speed as the Scherzo , and not inexplicably slowing down like so many others .
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