Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [conj] have been " in BNC.

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1 After a further two months , Iran conducted another advance west of Mehran , which Baghdad duly reported as having been crushed .
2 The body was badly decomposed and had been in the water for a long time .
3 Johnson was highly ranked but had been based in England for a few months under ten years .
4 the package contains modules for which an active DC does not exist or has been raised through another package .
5 The EMS , founded in 1979 , had not collapsed as had been predicted in many quarters , rather it had achieved some success in stabilising exchange rate fluctuations , and in helping to promote convergence of inflation rates .
6 For Miss Green , Lee 's appointment was perceived as an explicit threat simply because in the previous year , renewal of the Cassell Trust 's grant had not been easily secured and had been made on the understanding that the 1930 renewal was to extend only for a further and final two years .
7 The popular press could not compete and has been pushed more and more into the ‘ human interest ’ dimension , interviewing friends and relations of players , stoking up dressing-room feuds and seizing upon the sex lives of the young , virile , and wayward .
8 Parents who can not attend or have been excluded should be given an opportunity to have their views represented .
9 Numerous archaeological sites are already known and have been recorded ( although often not investigated in any detail ) , so the first task is to find out what these sites are .
10 If children had already married and had been provided for a will was not necessary .
11 The aristocracy — ie. titled landowners — do still exist and have been joined by the very wealthy ( through ownership or investment ) : it has been reckoned that this 1% of adult population owns one-quarter of all the wealth in Britain .
12 Once occupied and having been carried to its destination , the coffin opened at the bottom and the occupant was dropped into the grave .
13 With some pottery , chemical analysis can also be used to discover what the pottery vessel may have once contained or have been used for .
14 We sincerely hope that 's been of use to you .
15 And yet I knew , as I spoke , that this was what I had always thought but had been too frightened to express .
16 However , the prison sentences on the 61 , originally imposed for " hooliganism " , offending good manners and upsetting public order , had merely been annulled in February 1990 ; they were now formally reclassified as having been convictions for the political offence of " propaganda against the socialist system " .
17 But in the North Berwick branch 's case it is not only still functioning but has been electrifies .
18 An examination of the vessel has revealed that her hull was more badly damaged than had been thought .
19 The Church of Our Lady of the Sands was badly damaged but has been beautifully restored ( 556 ) .
20 Do you want to build up tenderly lives that have been torn apart with pain ? ’
21 The contours of the objects are unbroken ( although they are occasionally slightly dislocated as has been seen ) and the modelling is more aggressively three-dimensional .
22 To a degree unknown in any other use of language he finds himself not only attending to what is said but simultaneously hearing the words as textures of vowels and consonants , noting rhythm , rhyme , assonance ; meanings refuse to be tied down , disclose nuances and associations of which he has never been conscious ; sights and sounds which he has never heeded become sensuously precise and vivid in imagination ; emotion assumes a peculiar lucidity , undisguised by what he habitually feels or has been taught that he ought to feel ; truths about life and death , which he follows social convention in systematically evading , stand out as simple and unchallengeable .
23 He let Mac have his Celtic whims , everyone did ; he was vastly experienced and had been right so often .
24 Any hollows or unevenness indicate either that they have been badly laid or have been affected by subsidence .
25 The effect upon the family of extra-familial sexual activity on the part of a parent are too widely known and have been too much discussed to need much elaboration here .
26 The allegations against Sessions , which related to the misuse of government cars and aircraft and were claimed to have originated from an anonymous letter , were widely denounced as having been politically inspired in an attempt to intimidate the FBI and discredit its inquiry .
27 Most are women and children — the men either opted to stay behind to fight or have been captured by the Serbs .
28 Those applications have now disappeared but have been replaced by a wide range of others which utilize the material 's excellent weatherability , clarity and surface hardness — for example , automotive rear lights , lighting fittings and drawing instruments , produced by injection moulding ; and sheet and profiles , mainly for the sign , lighting and building industries , produced by extrusion .
29 Such payments are often described as having been demanded colore officii .
30 YOU ca n't enjoy good beer if the pubs that serve them are badly run or have been modernised in a vulgar and insensitive fashion .
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