Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [prep] more than " in BNC.

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1 Although recorded annually there is no regular winter population , and birds rarely remain for more than a few days except in severe winters , when considerable influxes occur .
2 It 's a whirlwind ride which rarely lingers for more than a minute on individual songs until we reach the '90s and the Zoo TV extravaganza .
3 Temperature tolerance to higher temperatures by even the hardiest rockpool creatures is within such narrow limits that if the water warms up to over 2° above that in which the animal is naturally found for more than a few hours , the animal will surely die .
4 Nevertheless , if cost effectiveness is seen as a relevant criterion , the potential savings in accident costs alone promise to more than recoup the outlay on the environmental traffic management schemes .
5 Downes himself could not stay for more than a few minutes .
6 On contemporary art sales undoubtedly enduring a difficult period at present he noted that even at the highest point of the market , revenue had not amounted to more than about 20% of the house 's total sales .
7 The attack took place on April 30th and was not reported for more than a month .
8 This would require that for the same amount of light energy ( measured incident solar radiation has not varied by more than 0.5% since the beginning of the twentieth century ) more carbon is fixed per unit chlorophyll ( the quantum yield has changed ) .
9 Rory told Jessica about his girlfriend Rosie , not a great deal but nothing too disloyal , while she for her part realised after some moments that she was not listening with more than half an ear , but wondering what she should tell him about Parr .
10 However , this will often conflict with the vendor 's desire to ensure that such assets are not sold for more than their tax written down value , otherwise the vendor may be liable to a balancing charge ( see , eg , s4 Capital Allowances Act 1990 regarding industrial buildings and s24 regarding plant and machinery ) .
11 All she knew was that she was cold and hungry and thirsty , that she had not slept for more than few minutes at a time and that all her thoughts were with Tristram .
12 Modrow did not return with more than a commitment to set up a joint commission of experts to consider monetary union ( which first met on Feb. 20 in East Berlin ) .
13 China 's existing network is already aiming to more than treble in size to 1m lines this year , but this still represents only about five or six phones per 100 people .
14 I 'm not asking for more than any other 22-year-old — just the same . ’
15 The static torque/ rotor position characteristic repeats with a wavelength of one rotor tooth pitch , so the rotor only returns to the correct step position if it is not displaced by more than half a rotor tooth pitch .
16 This makes it hard to see why a 20 per cent rule has much appeal , and a more attractive rule might ensure that the activities of participants do not overlap by more than some specific amount .
17 They spread between people by coughing , sneezing and kissing but they can not live for more than a few seconds outside the body .
18 a package is not referenced in more than the maximum allowed number of packages ( see Limitations below )
19 The heat did not last for more than a few seconds , and when it had passed , Ciparis was left in an awful solitude , his cries for help going unanswered as the city burned above him .
20 Although her satire on wedlock was not published for more than a century after her death , its composition elicited an immediate rebuke from her brother Samuel , who admonished her thus : Repent , renounce all wicked wit : …
21 Given the amount of matter in the vicinity of Sgr A , an outburst is not an unreasonable expectation , although since its discovery in 1974 , the luminosity has not changed by more than a factor of two .
22 In kung fu one can not train for more than a few months without hearing the phrase ‘ chi kung ’ , repeated time and time again .
23 The rate multiplier is set each year in England and Wales by central government and can not rise by more than the annual rate of inflation .
24 It is set annually by the Government and can not rise by more than the rate of inflation .
25 I remind the hon. Gentleman that , for the first time , domestic electricity customers are protected by a price cap which ensures that , for the next three years , electricity prices will not rise by more than retail price inflation .
26 You can not ask for more than that .
27 Although the numbers of such changes associated with moves are not large , and they can not account for more than a very small part of the differential in unemployment rates between the two groups , the sale of a large proportion of public housing to sitting tenants who are more likely to be employed than the general local authority sector population will have contributed to the increase in the unemployment rate differential referred to earlier .
28 It must be emphasized , however , that whether the criterion be the number of courses or the number of teacher-days devoted to this topic , the development of productive links with parents and the community did not account for more than a one-hundredth part of the Authority 's in-service programme during the evaluation period .
29 In the last 15 years there has been an enormous increase in the volume of frozen chips being consumed , even although straight-cut chips for frying still account for more than half the chips bought .
30 It confirms that breeding still counts for more than achievement .
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