Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It was like all that ego-building which eventually turns into a monster .
2 So seriously analytical was Chapman 's mind that he would rarely comment on a match until several days later , after he had studied every move .
3 The linked trends in the quality Sundays towards physical bulk and internal diversity is most developed in a market leader like The Sunday Times which seeks to ‘ cover ’ everything ( and every angle ) through a ‘ completist ’ strategy designed to overwhelm both the competition and the reader .
4 In its question ( 4 ) referred to the court for a preliminary ruling in the Factortame case ( Case C 221/89 ) , the national court seeks essentially to establish whether the principle of legitimate expectation precludes the introduction of new registration conditions such as those at issue from having the effect that fishing vessels duly registered in a member state have their registration withdrawn and hence their right to fish and to fish against the catch quotas allocated to that member state .
5 So in the Westinghouse case , one group of witnesses successfully claimed a privilege existing in English law , while another group of witnesses successfully relied upon a privilege existing in the law of the United States , the requesting State .
6 The expectation at an early age that career aspirations can not be met locally contributes to a lack of commitment to the home area and to the acceptance of out-migration as the inevitable solution .
7 Instead of finding sudden problems you might find that progress slowly grinds to a halt .
8 In 1843 he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society , the greatest honour that could be conferred upon a scientist , and one rarely given to a zoologist .
9 He did , and with a most impressive gargling technique rarely heard outside a waste disposal unit , coming up for air to declare the stuff just as peculiar as could be expected , ‘ as no two bottles are ever the same ’ .
10 ( b ) Transfer of work A client is properly regarded as a client of the firm and not of the individual solicitor unless there is some personal , often family , connection between the two .
11 It is Tom Courtenay , the programme says so , but beneath a straggly white wig , black beret and tattered frock coat with trousers surely cast off by Cyril Smith and insecurely fastened by an army of safety pins , it is difficult to recognise him .
12 He burnt both retinas in his eyes , but was thankfully treated by a doctor in time , and has since completely recovered .
13 When one tries to analyse the real reasons for the respect which French cookery has so long exacted from the rest of the world , the French genius for presentation must be counted as a very relevant point , and its humble beginnings can be seen on the market stalls , i the small town charcutiers ' and pâtissiers ' shops , in the modest little restaurants where even if the cooking is not particularly distinguished , the most ordinary of little dishes will be brought to your table with respect , properly arranged on a serving dish , the vegetables separately served , the object of arousing your appetite will be achieved and the proprietors of the establishment will have made the most of their limited resources .
14 An annual subscription of £21 to the funds of Bedford County Hospital was sanctioned , thereby bringing to an end the disagreement which had begun 10 years earlier .
15 Le Monde of Oct. 5 , 1989 , reported that Parliament had approved a law allowing the establishment of local private television stations and thereby bringing to an end the state broadcasting monopoly .
16 Diplomatic relations between South Korea and the Soviet Union had been established in September 1990 , thereby bringing to an end a period of hostility dating from the Korean war .
17 This was widely regarded as a triumph for Levi , who received a guarantee that he would retain his present Cabinet position in any future Likud-led government , and a written assurance that his supporters would receive increased representation within Likud institutions , the government , Knesset ( parliament ) committees and the Jewish Agency .
18 Emphasising that " the key to a peaceful solution lies in the hands of Afghans themselves " , he said nevertheless that the talks had been made possible by the " new , positive and changing " United States attitude , a comment widely regarded as a reference to recent US congressional moves to cut aid to the mujahedeen by 10 per cent .
19 Bournville , the community that has grown up around Cadbury 's Birmingham factory , is widely regarded as a company town , although from its foundation it has been open to people who do not work for the company and only a minority of the residents now have any link with Cadbury 's .
20 In Berlin , for example , I heard of a woman addressed as Fräulein ( ‘ Miss ’ , literally ‘ little woman ’ and widely regarded as a put-down , so that many German women have abandoned it in favour of Frau ) by a male bus driver , who said ‘ Danke , Fräulein' when she tendered her fare .
21 Hau was widely regarded as a conservative , and violent street protests erupted in Taipei when news of his appointment emerged .
22 As a member of the politburo 's military faction he was widely regarded as a conservative .
23 He dressed from the Pinner charity shops , and was widely regarded as a gentleman , who wittered on rather too much about himself and could be a bit of a nuisance when he was drunk .
24 The Excess Profits Duty was widely regarded as a concession to mounting concern over profiteering ( Maguire 1987 ) , but the decision to levy it on societies posed fundamental questions about the nature of the cooperative enterprise .
25 Israel 's acceptance of Italy as a venue was widely regarded as a concession .
26 The move was widely regarded as a victory for reformers in the party , as the enlarged membership embraced members of the business community , intellectuals and a number of former dissidents .
27 The move was widely regarded as a victory for reformers in the party , as the enlarged membership embraced members of the business community , intellectuals and a number of former dissidents .
28 In its co-ordinated typography , pertinent use of colour-coding and subtlety of complex chartwork , BP 's Statistical Review is widely regarded as a model of its kind .
29 In 1886 he was invited to become the chief mechanical engineer of the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway , for whom he completed , equipped , and organized the engineering workshops in Horwich , widely regarded as a model of their kind , eventually employing over 10,000 men .
30 Leicestershire is widely regarded as a pioneer of ‘ progressive ’ primary methods .
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