Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [prep] [noun prp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A compromise was forged on the divisive issue of East Timor , the Portuguese colony forcibly annexed by Indonesia in 1976 .
2 The England captain , who had an outstanding match , is eventually halted by Aherne after a powerful midfield burst — but not before Geoghegan and Matthews are sucked in …
3 Thomson was born in Kansas City in 1896 , studied at Harvard , and then mostly lived in Paris until 1940 .
4 The war , which arose over the two countries ' rival ambitions in Manchuria and Korea , was widely regarded in Russia as the product of intrigue at court and among a handful of entrepreneurs , and aroused little patriotic enthusiasm .
5 The US administration has reined back its support from Mrs Aquino after the initial commitment of air support — now widely regarded in Washington as a move which further weakened her authority .
6 The couple have a home in Hollywood and a farm in Vermont , but Michael , who is widely regarded in Hollywood as a workaholic , found it hard to put family first and is now keen to produce his own films as well as act in them .
7 Right turns from Bondgate into Skinnergate will be banned completely .
8 Right turns from Bondgate into Skinnergate are banned completely .
9 A dynastic struggle conducted under the hovering threat of Turkish occupation eventually led to Ferdinand of Habsburg gaining the throne , but his effective authority existed over only a fragment of Hungary and Croatia-Slavonia .
10 Fifteen years later , Ceauşescu 's emphasis on systematization left little place in Romania for folk-customs and the traditional way of life outside museums .
11 Egyptian jewellery adorned the statue of Victory long since looted from Tarentum in southern Italy and displayed in the Curia Julia , named after the Julii , Octavian 's family .
12 Technical border teams went on to meet in Vientiane in September , Beijing in November , Yunnan province ( China ) in January-February 1991 and Vientiane in August .
13 The water authorities , which are widely blamed in Britain for raising water rates , are wrestling with a timebomb , inherited from local councils in 1974 .
14 The necessary contact could partly be maintained by means of meetings and round-table discussions of the kind so successfully organised at Uig for the Arkleton Trust , but it would be desirable to give it some more concrete , institutional form as well .
15 They were in the ecclesiastical tradition which would have prevailed in the north if Wilfrid had not been forcibly installed at York by Theodore in place of Chad .
16 He was badly wounded in Dublin during the troubles of 1919–21 , in which he admired the technical skills of his Irish guerrilla opponents .
17 The reason Morgan sees for the passage of society from one stage to another — and this is what is most stressed by Engels in his restatement of Morgan 's theory in The Origin — is a social break due too the fact that the various subsystems stop working in gear , and come into conflict with each other .
18 The hotel stands on the site of the home of General Hugh Mackay ( 1640–92 ) , who joined the English army in 1660 , serving in France and Holland , eventually returning to England with William of Orange , in the Revolution of 1688 .
19 Among the more conspicuous were Yolande Pompey , who challenged unsuccessfully for Archie Moore 's world light-heavyweight title in London in 1956 , and Hogan ‘ Kid ’ Bassey , a Nigerian who moved to Liverpool in 1952 , three years later won the Commonwealth featherweight title and , in 1957 , won the world featherweight title , before eventually returning to Nigeria as national boxing coach .
20 The Worcestershire bowlers and fielders began to find their form when Notts skipper , Tim Robinson was acrobatically caught by Neale off Illingworth for 5 .
21 They duly disposed of India in the semi-final , only to lose to Australia in a game they should have won .
22 Clearly much would depend on whether Knott could stay with Greig but , after nightwatchman Underwood went , Knott and Snow both followed quickly , all dismissed by Daniel inside four overs .
23 This occurs in puppet animation , much developed in Czechoslovakia at one time by Jiří Trnka among others , and certain kinds of art animation developed by the Czech Jan Švankmajer and his admirers , the British-based American Quay Brothers .
24 The Inquisitor knew that he should only think of Meh'Lindi as a wonderful , living weapon .
25 As pointed out by the collector and historian van Mander writing in 1604 , ‘ Whoever so desires nowadays has only to go to Prague to the greatest art patron in the world at the present time ; there he may see at the Imperial residence a remarkable number of outstanding and precious , curious , unusual , and priceless works . ’
26 In a 1975 introduction to his first novel , Jill , Larkin has revealed what his college life in war-time Oxford was like , and how he first met Amis there — an account somewhat amended by Amis in his contribution to Larkin at Sixty ( 1982 ) ; and collections of essays with titles like My Oxford ( 1977 ) and My Cambridge ( 1977 ) have assembled reminiscences of how mind and character were once forged round and about the tender age of twenty .
27 From a three-hour flight , at the outside , when he 'd only flown from London to Helsinki on the last lap ?
28 But they only asked for Eva to be found , not brought home .
29 Weeping became a self-humiliation , an acknowledgement of one 's unworthiness before the god , used only to appeal to Yahweh in the hope of influencing His decisions .
30 well I only lived in London for about six months .
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