Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [prep] [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 A compromise was forged on the divisive issue of East Timor , the Portuguese colony forcibly annexed by Indonesia in 1976 .
2 AMERICAN born Lisa Price , now living in Llanidloes , has been appointed sales manager for Radio Maldwyn , and is successfully canvassing for advertisers in time for the independent local radio station 's launch on July 1 on 756kHz medium wave .
3 The materials used , for example , merit attention rarely given to paintings in the West whose science is intended to create an illusion .
4 Retailing employment has been a traditional refuge for those workers most exposed to redundancy in other sectors , and as such higher consumer prices ‘ provides a form of social security for the retired and unemployed ’ ( Hills 1983 p.65 ) .
5 ( The chords shown in Example 83 are limited only to those with the root on C , and are mostly given with notes in close formation .
6 Phonological features were eventually assigned to variants in order to construct these subscales , but the first step was to quantify the data in order to compare the patterns which emerged in different data batches .
7 The data reveal that most of the questions and tasks successfully undertaken by pupils in the lowest third of the target pupils involve basic processes of counting and calculation carried out on paper , mentally , and with a calculator ; direct readings from tables of data ; recognition and drawing of familiar shapes ; and some visualization tasks .
8 Akram went on to perform in plays in English and Bengali .
9 As between themselves the authority of individual partners to bind the firm can be properly circumscribed by agreement in effective variation of the basic principle set out in this section .
10 Egyptian jewellery adorned the statue of Victory long since looted from Tarentum in southern Italy and displayed in the Curia Julia , named after the Julii , Octavian 's family .
11 Technical border teams went on to meet in Vientiane in September , Beijing in November , Yunnan province ( China ) in January-February 1991 and Vientiane in August .
12 Everett was duly interviewed for suitability in a hall in Shepherd 's Bush on a Sunday afternoon .
13 During this syndicalist period the ‘ official ’ movement was wholly committed to participation in the programme of modernization in which it participated with regional capital and the associated regional élite ( see Ben well CDP , 1978 ) .
14 I sat on a log among the shadows of creatures now extinct and others long since departed for pasture in the south .
15 The reason Morgan sees for the passage of society from one stage to another — and this is what is most stressed by Engels in his restatement of Morgan 's theory in The Origin — is a social break due too the fact that the various subsystems stop working in gear , and come into conflict with each other .
16 The word ‘ only ’ is important , for the protection is thereby confined to cases in which the defendant commits no other , incidental tort to procure the breach of contract .
17 Other important casting centres have since come to light in Nigeria and some hundreds of castings have been analysed .
18 This basically refers to success in spreading genes to later populations ; even if this means damage to an individual organism 's success .
19 They duly disposed of India in the semi-final , only to lose to Australia in a game they should have won .
20 Alternatively , eustatic changes in non-glacial periods can be produced by changes in the cumulative length of active spreading ridges , which will obviously relate to changes in plate patterns ( Hallam , 1977 ) .
21 From this base he mounted a successful practice executing public works and speculative building on the grandest scale , only halted by bankruptcy in the financial crash of 1793 .
22 Further Cabinet changes followed the resignation in mid-September of Minister of State for Finance , Economy and the Budget Said Ali Kemal , hitherto regarded as second in the government only to Djohar .
23 Individuals usually more widely scattered over shore than Golden Plovers , and less given to manoeuvres in close flocks .
24 Is the management of your venue adaptable enough to cope with changes in your programme or its timing ?
25 Instead of merely reacting to differences in the road surface , as a conventional suspension system does , it anticipates bumps and bends .
26 In a 1975 introduction to his first novel , Jill , Larkin has revealed what his college life in war-time Oxford was like , and how he first met Amis there — an account somewhat amended by Amis in his contribution to Larkin at Sixty ( 1982 ) ; and collections of essays with titles like My Oxford ( 1977 ) and My Cambridge ( 1977 ) have assembled reminiscences of how mind and character were once forged round and about the tender age of twenty .
27 Again , the 103/4 conveyed a perfectly tangible image , with the sound literally hanging in space in the room .
28 In addition to using casual workers to man up for " events " , we also found cases of organisations bringing them in to cope with peaks in what might be termed their " more continuous " activities .
29 It is precisely because of this view that we discover the highest purpose of PATTERN PRACTICE : TO REDUCE TO HABIT WHAT RIGHTFULLY BELONGS TO HABIT IN THE NEW LANGUAGE , so that the mind and personality may be freed to dwell in their proper realm , that is on the meaning of the communication rather than the mechanics of grammar .
30 In that case should they perhaps think of variations in human culture as expressions of permutations in the working of the human mind ?
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