Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [pron] [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 However , Mr. Collins ( if I have understood him correctly ) has expressly limited his challenge to Lautro 's failure to allow the making of representations before the service of the intervention notice .
2 ‘ Not if I had to face a helicopter journey every time I wanted to come into town , ’ he drawled , and then slowly lowered his gaze to her red mouth , murmuring , ‘ So … do you want to see the bedrooms ? ’
3 Alain asked quietly as they slowly made their way to the car later .
4 A mother 's task is thus not to create something out of nothing but rather to dovetail her behaviour to that of the infant 's . [ … ]
5 Lisboa went on to become the leading soccer club of the day and eventually changed its name to Benfica , the club renowned today in world soccer .
6 The allocation to L Detachment of specialists taken from Special Service units would greatly increase the scope of the units ' training and thereby augment its value to men who inevitably gain versatility and resourcefulness .
7 However , on Jan. 7 Russian Federation President Boris Yeltsin declared that what he called the " budget war " was not over , and that although his republic had agreed effectively to increase its contribution to Rbs78,000 million by funding specific all-union programmes , the central government was still demanding an additional Rbs27,000 million .
8 She eventually found her way to the social services department .
9 Vast amounts of money were made through Cornish tin but very little found its way to the tinners themselves .
10 They eventually narrowed their focus to three subjects : submerged aquatic vegetation , such toxic substances as chemicals and herbicides , and the bay 's ever-fluctuating supply of nutrients , nitrogen and phosphorus in particular .
11 At one stage , it seemed the Kuwaitis would accept no compromise by insisting that they were allowed to go on rebuilding their production to 2 million bpd .
12 Molly had secretly enjoyed her initiation to sex on the night of Yanto 's near drowning , but then she had had to curtail her natural emotions for fear of waking her Father .
13 Left to their own devices , most roses tend to develop new growth into which they direct their sap and energy , bear bloom , and which then — as it becomes old and tired — gradually either becomes starved , by-passed , neglected and finally aborted as the plant constantly turns its attention to new growth , or it develops a barky exterior layer as it settles down to becoming no more than a main road communicating between the raw material goods received from the warehouse in the soil and the production factory upstairs — quite often , a very long way upstairs .
14 Besides , he would only make it grist to his mill .
15 We grabbed the ‘ speeder from the motor park and amazingly enough got ourselves passage to the Festival on a grain hopper . ’
16 The Picts are said to have fiercely resented their subjection to the Saxons and attacked Ecgfrith who defeated them with the help of his sub-king ( subregulus ) , Beornhaeth ( Vita Wilfridi , ch. 19 ) , probably between the Avon and the Carron ( in Manau of the Gododdin ) .
17 This is particularly true of Gertrude who only wants her son to be happy , but her cheerfulness and pleadings with Hamlet only make the situation worse .
18 Soviet leaders have given no indication , moreover , that they are prepared to abandon the PDPA and apparently expect its apparatus to be retained in post-settlement Afghanistan even if its role is reduced and its monopoly of power relinquished .
19 But suppose that he proceeds in the general direction from where he assumed by voice came and suddenly found himself face to face with a stranger who looked very similar to myself .
20 Either way , the chances are that there will be a very large number of people , possibly several million , depending on the subject of the research , and there is no way that the researcher is going to be able to deliver a questionnaire to them all , still less interview them face to face .
21 General Motors has two dealers in Britain — in Kingston and Manchester — and if you want a Syclone they will only lighten your wallet to the tune of £20,000 .
22 He was single-mindedly applying his mind to the task and it was likely that he would forget the time .
23 ‘ You 've just spent heaven knows how long checking our approach to Ibiza . ’
24 Blufton 's eyes glittered with irritation : he had obviously expected his revelation to be treated with respect .
25 A London spokesman for Mr Bond said yesterday : ‘ He has intended all along to meet his commitment to BSB , and that is still the situation . ’
26 My present feeling is that any one who can not feel the beauty of their melody had better confine his criticism to prose and leave the discussion of verse to those who understand something about it … .
27 The clerk , realising from Mirsal 's uniform that I belong to the sacred official class , merely bows his head to the storm , pays up and looks pleasant .
28 So pressing his camera to my eye I tried to focus on this tanned , happy man , standing with one boot over the edge of a 200- or 300-foot drop , and the other on the edge of thin air .
29 When the party eventually broke up Ross merely lifted her hand to his lips , before leaving to join his parents at their hotel , some miles away .
30 Should you still feel dissatisfied you may personally bring your grievance to the notice of Personnel Management Division or you are free to raise it with your staff association or trade union who may take action on your behalf .
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