Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [pron] [noun sg] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Sun Microsystems Inc and Computer Associates International Inc duly announced their alliance last week ( UX No 403 ) , saying that CA-Unicenter will be fully available on Sun hardware within nine to 12 months .
2 As soon as all these lighting restrictions came in , Daddy said he was n't going to stay in England and they pissed off , ’ Felicity 's lapses into strong language , which were meant to make her sound cool , only made her sound immature .
3 All the pre-packaged nonsense of a plastic person , she said once , but that only made her husband angry .
4 ‘ Besides , I 'm going along to see my agent this morning .
5 To belabour the point of whether or not he had knocked would only make her sound shrewish , and she did n't want that added to his list of uncomplimentary adjectives , along with brash and brassy !
6 I am sorry I have been so long in replying but I only got your letter two days ago .
7 Rinse the mask with warm water and gently pat your skin dry .
8 You only passed your test five years ago , ten years ago .
9 When I remember the tears you shed I long to see you again and so make my happiness complete .
10 People , however , can only mobilise their adult mature capacities if their peers are prepared to be curious about their social world and its implicit and explicit political structures as these exist in reality and in their minds .
11 Calling them " temporary workers " merely made their situation clear to them from the start of their employment .
12 GH-K are no strangers to such nail-biting circumstances since they only retained their position this season when they found themselves with a better points differential to Stewart's-Melville , who have subsequently won promotion .
13 It was ironic that her fussy and dictatorial chief had the same Christian name as the exciting young singer who had so caught her imagination last Saturday .
14 Better watch your step next time you drink whisky
15 The first thing I never went to the doctor with when I , I tumbled off the wall down cut me head open and that 's the only , and then after I got used to playing football they must 've , have put a steel inset into your head the way I head that ball .
16 Lincolnshire only receive nought point five per cent increase .
17 Obviously there is also the money element , and by returning to work you can perhaps give your child other benefits you might not otherwise be able to afford such as foreign holidays or maybe a private education .
18 You 'd better keep my dinner warm . ’
19 One player says he 's only had his cycle this term and finds it very diifficult and he falls off a lot and hurts himself .
20 He only opened his shop last month , on Friday the 13th , which , he is sure , will prove to have been his lucky day .
21 No decree from without suddenly cuts her activity short .
22 Many of you will be aware of the launch of the Brecon Beacons National Park Society a few weeks ago and are perhaps wondering what effect this will have on the activities of CPRW and this branch in particular .
23 Woe betide anyone who is foolish enough to leave his rod unattended when barbel fishing .
24 They only get your skin clean ma .
25 If she could only gain her room unnoticed , she would be able to sit quietly in the rocking chair with a book and —
26 Beethoven introduced change , not to such an extent that it would break the mood , but just enough to keep our interest alive .
27 It is probable that winning that nomination against three candidates was the hardest election of her life , until perhaps losing her seat two decades later .
28 I gently prised my wrist free .
29 In the meantime he can only sell his land subject to the conditions of the option agreement .
30 Even the few hours she put in gave her life some purpose .
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