Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [pron] [noun] [art] " in BNC.

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1 and a little boy nipped on to see his mum the boy never got off so he was still on the bus
2 As warmth slowly enveloped his body the spasms of shivering increased .
3 Anyway , he has since wished his father a Happy New Year ,
4 The frequent complaint that ships , once requisitioned , were not actually used for several months , thereby denying their owners the use of them in between times , was not always the fault of the wind or weather .
5 Martin introduced a lifetime warranty and apparently made their guitars a bit heavier because of that .
6 Poor Charlotte , Ruth thought , to be married , yet not able to take pleasure in her pregnancy — though she perhaps misjudged her mother-in-law a little .
7 In such a case better to accept whatever penalties the Church might impose , however harsh , for theft and deceit , rather than fall into the hands of the secular law , my law , ’ said Hugh firmly , ‘ where murder is a hanging matter .
8 But it was the frustrated libido seeking spiritual orgasm … if I could have copulated with Clare , or merely stroked her breasts a bit … ’
9 THE Poultry Association of Northern Ireland only holds its conference every other year .
10 the car perhaps helped your cold a bit , do you think ?
11 So I 'll leave that for you to play with and erm I better give your mum a shout because I should have gone by now .
12 All the established associations are expected to meet the criteria , and so earn their members the right to call themselves organic .
13 Not many of the gentlemen present were romantic enough to buy their ladies a rose .
14 The fact that consumer platforms will generally be convenient , all-in-one , low cost units needing nothing more sophisticated than a domestic television for display purposes , suggest that many libraries may be able to support all available platforms and so give their customers the widest possible choice .
15 ‘ Anyway , I suppose I 'd better see what translation the TARDIS computer can offer of these papers . ’
16 In almost every case , there was burning resentment at a stress carried that the bearer was quite unable to disregard : bad marriage with one partner far too strong ; a dominant sister whose very existence seemed to crush ; an authoritarian mother who apparently allowed her child no freedom even in adult life .
17 ‘ One of the nurses has been coming in to give me injections every day .
18 Ask a neighbour to collect your post , water your plants ( dead plants or plants that are regularly on windowsills suddenly removed are tell-tale signs ) and perhaps to draw your curtains every night .
19 I was hoping he 'd laugh and so allow my giggle a justifiable release .
20 If you are not eligible to be put in if you do n't have a motor car then you 're discounting an enormous number of people who may have motorcycles or motor caravans or , you know , something which is perfectly valid but it invalidates the information that you think you are getting out of the file because you only put in certain perfectly reasonable , groups of er of things and i in , in , in Boots there 's a , there 's a er there 's a a wonderful expression or actually is , is the one I 'm particularly thinking about , you know we , we sell shall we say a million bottles of aspirin a year , it is in fact considerably more than that , and that is perfectly reasonable and valid and mm but in the definition of that we obviously only included what Boots the Chemists sold because that 's all the people who
21 ‘ A good general only briefs his troops the morning of the battle .
22 I find it quite ghastly being at home and not working — I LONG to get a job , and meantime , YOUR FATHER and I must be careful about money as the State only gives me £40 a week for everything including local tax ( POLL TAX ) , heating , food , gas , electricity and phone and so on .
23 He merely gave her shoulder an affectionate nudge and leaned back on a cushion .
24 The fact that he could get such good results by orthodox bowling also left one wondering why he occasionally indulged in a bouncer war , for it obviously did his reputation no good and was not as a rule very productive .
25 And in the middle of the slanting span , circling upon a radius of about three yards , and light enough to maintain its place a foot or so below the surface , something pale and oval went monotonously round and round .
26 Better get your spellings a minute as well Nat before you go up .
27 The missionary ladies state that they are Christian , but do not appear very Christian in their attitude to blacks , for instance Mrs Merriwether only pays her maid a pittance and Zeebo , Calphurnia 's son is dustman .
28 ‘ He obviously does his exercises every day , ’ she said .
29 There was just too much distance between him and Richmann , however , and Richmann needed only to move his hand a few inches before firing .
30 ‘ He left this for the little Romany Rei I reckon you be he so take it bor an plant no gorja curses on his grave . ’ ’
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