Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [noun] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 There are five T'yungunz in the nest to feed , but if Steg takes too long catching dindins the young 'uns die of starvation ( as do I if I do without food for more than 15 nanoseconds ) .
2 The drachma is the unofficial currency of southern Albania ; four new 100-drachma coins , pointedly displaying Alexander the Great 's head , and worth $1.90 , are a day 's pay for a labourer there .
3 Farrell uses the fact that O'Neill joined the Apprentice Boys of Derry and the Royal Black Preceptory ( two Protestant fraternal organizations similar to the Orange Order ) to portray him as a ‘ closet ’ die-hard unionist but in so doing misses the glaring point that O'Neill had to join these organizations because he was not already a member .
4 Starting with Homer and finishing with Virginia Woolf , Auerbach uses this framework to characterize the different ways in which a selection of writers represented reality across the centuries , and in so doing traces the gradual abandonment of the principle of decorum in favour of a more modern standard , according to which seriousness and realism are wholly compatible .
5 So thought I. The first part was okay when we got the squad marching the 50 yards , but I was the only one that did not see that someone had dug a trench in the line of march , and in one step leapt over the trench in perfect style .
6 Extra staff have been drafted in to take patients the few hundred yards from the hutted wards of Ormskirk Hospital which were originally built to house Canadian forces during World War II .
7 It involves all of us and how we work together to make Guinness the outstanding performer in the British Beer market .
8 Contrary to tradition , Constantine did not make Christianity the official state religion of Rome .
9 Elvis Baxter , the right-half with the rock ‘ n ’ roll style was on his way to Perth and a period of basic training with Scotland 's most physically demanding regiment The Black Watch .
10 Er , I also wanted to raise the issue of er the public service section in respect to er this because there 's something prob perhaps not actually tackled in the resolution but equally er important I think is that it 's actually getting the resources into er er down to the br branch level and er if we took this resolution literally , er what it would actually mean would be that er in har with harmonization of agreements we would be handing over er our majority on the manual workers , public service workers to , so obviously we got ta take this resolution very seriously , but consider its implications and the relevance of the word appropriate because I do n't think that we want to be er handed over to come July the first er single table bargaining where we are an absolute minority and where th th that union merge that 's taking place is obviously hostile to our union .
11 SPD still fails to ride the wave : Setbacks for Chancellor Kohl and his team have not convinced voters the Social Democrats would do any better , writes John Eisenhammer
12 Race officials decided not to award McLeod-Wright the second cup , The Journal Trophy , outright after his sixth win and it is still presented to the winner at Newcastle 's Civic Centre each year .
13 Porfiry 's words have a heightened transpersonal effect because Svidrigailov has just told Raskolnikov the same thing .
14 Of course I did n't know at the time that this was to have been O's last night in The Bar ; and I knew that it was n't Boy 's first visit to The Bar , I mean he did not see O the very day he walked in , their eyes did not meet across the bar on that very first night .
15 Indeed , it is probably more practical not to do things the standard way as this avoids what is likely to be severe over-kill for do-it-yourself applications .
16 Er I think Michael has made the point er but could I just draw attention the regional erm the strategic and sub-regional policy point that erm I wished to emphasise er and I would refer to the Greater York study w e e of sixty one .
17 In the event of the total loss of one of these separately insured items the proper settlement is the sum insured .
18 While he went away to phone Bucharest the three stood around the car , feeling like criminals awaiting sentence .
19 Well why not try Wolverhampton the golden glow of the amber shirts of Wolves will take on the proudly bar coded Magpies and would n't we like to see Notts wallop Wolves .
20 If the LBA does not produce payment the haulier should send the papers to the company 's solicitor .
21 Perhaps for this reason , Haig now extended the front of Second Army northward to include the crucial Menin Road area , thus giving Plumer the principal target : the Gheluvelt plateau due east of Ypres .
22 Video re-runs hinted that Dowie had impeded a defender thus giving Quinn the necessary space but it seemed a harsh decision .
23 Because the late start of H is 15 , G must finish no later than 15 in order not to delay H. The late start of G is therefore 15 .
24 Because the late start of H is 15 , G must finish no later than 15 in order not to delay H. The late start of G is therefore 15 .
25 Will he tell them why , if there is to be a days-at-sea restriction , he can not pay fishermen the same financial support that farmers get when their land goes awry ?
26 Hobson , while proclaiming the validity of Cobden 's analysis , nevertheless gives capitalists the central role in promoting the new aggressive imperialism .
27 She must try not to take things the wrong way
28 Simon behaved in a rather superior way and did not offer Jesus the usual courtesies given to a guest .
29 IAN WRIGHT and Andy Gray hardly exchanged pleasantries the first time they met .
30 To pack all this equipment into a boat of this size and still allow operators the maximum operating efficiency and working space was not easy .
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