Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [noun] [noun sg] with " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I know , ’ said David cheerfully teasing her , ‘ you think a church should be like an English Gothic cathedral or a little whitewashed village church with moth-eaten Peninsular War banners fluttering from dry-rotted lances . ’
2 ‘ Close them , ’ she had cried , ‘ you 'll let in the dust ’ , and I had gone down to drink citron pressé with her in the shade .
3 A bill comes in and along comes sugar daddy with a loan , you can t resist it .
4 Others queuing to re-submit proprietary system software technologies for XPG3 branding apparently include Hewlett-Packard Co with MPE , Apple Computer Inc for System 7 and Tandem Computers Inc with Guardian .
5 This theory makes the unlikely prediction that you will not experience colour constancy with objects you can not identify .
6 If for any reason you prefer not to discuss birth control with your own GP , you are entitled to go to another GP for this service .
7 If for any reason you prefer not to discuss birth control with your own family doctor , you are entitled to go to another family doctor for this service .
8 If for any reason you prefer not to discuss birth control with your own GP , you are entitled to go to another GP for this service .
9 The provision of meteorological regular services forecasting winds and turbulence , not to mention sunspot activity with its radiation hazards more than ten miles up in the stratosphere and the air traffic control problems of introducing this vehicle into the airspace still filled with less sophisticated aircraft , is another area in which the regulating authorities have shown great imagination and flexibility in their routine day-to-day work .
10 Venturous was already making cutter history with her size , speed of sixteen knots and the latest electronic gadgetry such as radar , Decca Navigator and modern communication equipment .
11 If I was walking past a building site , I 'd put my head down , trying not to have eye contact with anyone , but I 'd be expecting it anyway — not because I 'm pretty , but because if it 's summer and you 're a girl and , say wearing shorts , it 's inevitable .
12 Mr Holmes took the Best Kept Tractor award with a unit that 's no wallflower , ploughing 2,500 acres per year with a 16in 5-furrow plough/press combination , foraging 200 acres with a JF machine , baling 5–6,000 Hesston big square bales and handling a fair measure of subsoiling and cultivation besides .
13 If we were to seek an explanation in the fact that Gandhi , as we have seen , does not equate ahi with non-killing and notes the distinction between ahi sā and hi sā by indicating that hi sā means killing from motives of anger or selfishness and ahi sā means refraining from so doing , then it might be possible to be a believer in ahi sā and yet kill , provided the killing is not prompted by angry or selfish motives and is performed with detachment as one 's duty .
14 A pensions directive is currently being prepared by the European Commission and it will require extremely careful consideration if it is to achieve the desired effect of not restricting labour mobility with the European Community .
15 With the specific task of producing a class winner for the ‘ 92 race , Mike Pocock wanted to combine a powerful , easily managed upwind performer with a yacht which excelled on a reach .
16 Not to make eye contact with anyone in the audience .
17 Reilly 's last competitive game was against Donegal in the league this season , but he still plays club football with Kingscourt with whom he won seven cham
18 Even if the out-of-phase signals have not been recorded , experienced log analysts can still recognise Groningen effect with high probability .
19 And er a although we usually associate language identity with minority groups , linked with minority groups er it 's quite important that we do n't erm dismiss the prominence it has in majority groups as well .
20 COOK 'S NOTE : Always mix wholewheat pastry with warm water to help the dough to bind together .
21 Mums who struggle for 12 hours or more to give birth look with envy on those lucky women who have short labours of two to three hours .
22 This was the same evening on which Johnson wryly said that now the Hanoverian King had given him a pension , he could hardly drink Stuart health with the wine thus bought .
23 Restoration to normal circulating insulin levels promptly restores enzyme activity with a decrease in serum triglycerides ( Kissebah et al , 1974 ) .
24 But Norman , left despairing on the ground , lifted himself up to later deny Brighton victory with two brilliant saves late in the game from Barnham and Chivers .
25 Helen was formerly support services consultant with the International Hospital Group and has also had 23 years service with the National Health service in domestic services management .
26 The main tool for fighting it is to have a carefully agreed work programme with your boss .
27 The recurrent cancer also showed allele loss with p144-D6 , but not with Lambda MS8 .
28 The anemone and hosta , however , keep some interest going in summer ; I have also interplanted Cyclamen coum with another species , C. hederifolum , for a further carpet of pink and white flowers in autumn .
29 You can also record stereo sound with some systems .
30 The two companies will team up to develop database software with fuzzy search capabilities .
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