Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [verb] that [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The infant death rate was still high enough , especially among the poor , for parents not yet to have become complacent ; meanwhile , the promise was held out , and for the first time could be kept , that babies could be successfully reared provided that medical advice was faithfully followed .
2 And the visual evidence all goes to prove that this took place while he was working on the Demoiselles , probably in June .
3 Paradoxically the choice of subjects only goes to prove that most new jobs in British engineering are paid for by defence contracts .
4 The great voice which calls us all has appointed that one card will remain blank and another shall be full , and not for any good or well they 've done to him .
5 He had been on the phone in the morning and had gone in to work to check that all is well .
6 The diversity of museum collections in general requires that these practices be sufficiently flexible to accommodate the unusual object or set of circumstances , and yet sufficiently disciplined to ensure that realistic standards can be established and maintained .
7 Uneven demographic distribution , diplomatic and military considerations , the location of major industries , commercial relations , cultural influences and the centralization of political and administrative power in either St Petersburg or Moscow ( ancient and modern ) have all helped to ensure that cis-Uralian Russia has enjoyed a near-monopoly of European and North American scholarship in this field .
8 The clouds must be sufficiently isolated to ensure that clear air can be found by flying out of the lift .
9 Nothing turns on the procedure adopted in this case and it suffices to say that when , on 8 April 1992 , the matter came before Mr. Simon Goldblatt Q.C. , sitting as a deputy High Court judge , the application for an order under the Act of 1975 was made by those who are the defendants in the United States action and it was opposed by the Treasury Solicitor , although purists might perhaps have expected that any opposition would have been made by or on behalf of the Attorney-General , the objection being one taken on behalf of the Crown .
10 Perhaps Edward indeed was reluctant to embark on that wholesale hanging ; or may merely have assessed that this way he would force the Scots army into a rash and costly attack which he could repulse , and then get Berwick 's surrender .
11 I personally needed to know that these ideas were not wrong .
12 Yet suspecting and knowing are two different things , and I was still naive enough to want to believe that all policemen could be trusted .
13 When used on a daily basis , food digestion is greatly improved ensuring that essential dietary elements are assimilated by the horse in the most effective manner ; thereby helping maintain balanced growth .
14 You only have to show that this act works for there to be takers everywhere .
15 Boswell explained , patiently enough to judge from his text , that he merely intended to see that all was well at Glenelg , to which Johnson replied , ‘ Do you know , I should as soon have thought of picking a pocket as doing so ? ’
16 Others who have done so have argued that elderly people are often faced with a choice between an unpleasant battle to survive in their own homes and an equally unpleasant enforced dependence in the institution ( Wilkin and Hughes , 1987 ) .
17 General practitioners are best placed to ensure that this particular specification in the patient 's charter is met .
18 A repetition of the analysis just given shows that stellar cores of mass less than M(Chandrasekhar) are stable against further collapse and form neutron stars .
19 Viewed as an ‘ independent robot ’ , I am happy to admit that a particular area of my brain controls my digestive processes and ‘ I ’ do not , but I certainly do not want to say that that brain area is ‘ aware ’ of those processes .
20 We do not want to say that one kind of state causes the other kind , but neither does it make much sense to say that they are ‘ parallel ’ or ‘ identical ’ .
21 Although Bouton and his collaborators have failed to establish context-specificity after simple conditioning , they would not want to claim that such an effect can never be seen — there is ample evidence from experiments using rather different training procedures that a change of context can produce a performance deficit .
22 I do not want to suggest that all this work fell into such simple methodological traps as that I have described above , though I suspect that much of it did .
23 This list of problems with enumerative schemes is not intended to demonstrate that enumerative schemes are not effective in the organization of knowledge .
24 It was not intended to suggest that these were battered wives .
25 They are not intended to suggest that any given product does no harm whatsoever to the environment .
26 I suppose this just goes to show that all treatment currently in use have some benefit but no one treatment is significantly better than all the others .
27 I am aware that much of what I am saying makes me sound like some ageing Pollyanna who just wants to pretend that all is sweetness and light .
28 The police do not need to know that such an offence is involved .
29 Sir , — Although Conservative Central Office euphoria at the election result may be understandable , it nevertheless needs to recognise that this was achieved in spite of its lack lustre contribution to the electoral campaign .
30 Among the criticisms levelled at the Nordhaus model is the assumption it contains that voters are systematically ‘ fooled ’ : they do not appear to learn that costly post-election recession follows beneficial pre-election boom .
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