Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [pn reflx] [prep] this " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You 'd better mind yourself with this fellow .
2 Charles had so convinced himself of this that he did n't ring in to the production office until ten-thirty , deliberately giving the producer time to sober up his intoxicated imagination .
3 A subordinate class , such as the working class will , by definition , be low on economic resources and this will reproduce its subordination ; but it may also possibly generate a collective ethic to cope with adverse circumstances and so reproduce itself in this way according to a common cultural identity .
4 Suddenly finding herself in this strange dark place she naturally tried to retreat from it and all the farmer did was guide her .
5 Some phenomena may simply not lend themselves to this kind of analysis .
6 But it seems that I can not rid myself of this fear of running short of money .
7 Pohl has also specifically mentioned that Austria could easily annex itself to this monetary union since it has pegged the schilling to the Deutschmark for years .
8 Just get yourself in this car else we 'll be late .
9 Up to one-third of people can not force themselves through this procedure , even for the best of diagnostic reasons , and the court would never enforce a complete stay of the action in these circumstances ( see further RSC Order 25 , r 6 ) .
10 If it did not manifest itself in this particular way , however , Aethelbald 's power was none the less real .
11 ‘ Molly , I am not humiliating myself in this manner . ’
12 It is a friendly act of mutual benefit to the two animals involved , since they can not groom themselves in this region .
13 In families that did not indulge themselves in this way a healthier climate prevailed ; children do not seem to have been unduly obsessed with death .
14 Swayed by similar arguments , the governments of the rich countries have now largely deprived themselves of this option .
15 What is called the ‘ moral sense ’ is on this account being able to recognize that if , even against my present will , I let myself become aware of how someone in trouble feels , I would be moved to help , and that I ought not to close myself to this awareness .
16 Some things needed to change , but some needed to remain the same and I usually found myself in this place pulling at the forces of change as a child might pull at the reins of a runaway horse .
17 Yet I recall an episode many years ago in which a man deliberately put himself in this predicament .
18 By June 6 the FLN secretary-general Abdelhamid Mehri and the leader of the Islamic Hamas party , Shaikh Mahfoud Nahnah , had also aligned themselves with this broad platform , which rejected affiliation to the proposed Patriotic Rally .
19 While the male of one of these species constructs the nest alone ( as in other weavers ) , in others the female also involves herself in this activity and in two cases receives the active assistance of additional apparently adult birds .
20 As well as giving reasons against Caesar becoming emperor , being no better , perhaps worse , than other men , Cassius also glorifies himself in this speech .
21 Benstede swept through the hall and tactfully presented himself before this array of the most powerful magnates in Scotland .
22 Stainless steel also lends itself to this modern form of finish .
23 Vocal groups might profitably address themselves to this relatively unexplored territory — there are 170 arias and more — but meanwhile a welcome to this well-chosen selection of songs .
24 And I 've known you a lot longer than has your so-called friend Rainbow here , thanks to whom you now find yourself in this lousy fix . ’
25 When linguists became involved , with a few notable exceptions , it was mainly to distance themselves from this current of ideas and to introduce the second phase .
26 I noticed that children often marked themselves like this in play .
27 Take particular care that you insert a modification record with a issue number larger than 00.00Z ( the alpha character on the end of the issue number , the Development Code is mandatory ) , and that you then update the package 's pointer to itself so that it now selects itself at this new issue number .
28 He then holds up his own ideal , a calculated inversion which in a normal man might be the text for a denunciation of what Cicero called the treachery ‘ lurking under the false show of loyal service ’ : At this point , normally , the attack on evil would be made ; but Iago unconcernedly identifies himself with this group : ‘ These fellows have some soul , /And such a one do I profess myself ’ ( 53ff . ) .
29 Because my first experience of love was here , I have never wholly transplanted myself from this soil .
30 Pahl 's ‘ salaried immigrants ’ frequently ally themselves with this group on housing matters .
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