Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [n mass] do [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Like protecting people do n't just save bottles they save their glass jars
2 It 's like thinking fish do n't swim .
3 I really hope people do n't hype it as a Scottish thing 'cos then the pressure 's on . ’
4 Now judging people do n't like loose ends , and get worried if things are not being organized .
5 of the play , what 's it about , cos we do n't know what it 's , you know about , before we come , which is fair enough , erm , that 's very often sighted people do n't know
6 No i er I do n't know people did n't go out of their depth I do n't think , they , it was half a crown or five bob and , and they used to pay , maybe pay it back in bits and bobs .
7 ‘ I do n't know , ’ she evaded , ‘ but that does n't mean people do n't ! ’
8 What Sinclair is saying is that type descriptions of language knowledge based on intuitive impression and not grounded in actually attested data do not provide an adequate source of reference for language teaching .
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