Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [adv prt] in this " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I can see the point he was trying to make — the Pallas ' Sandgrouse only turns up in this country once every 10 or 20 years .
2 Do n't get so caught up in this fantasy that you miss all the opportunities the real world has to offer .
3 Illness is , as already pointed out in this section , more amenable to definition and measurement than either pain or health .
4 They will certainly have the fullest support of my Department and the Government in that and I hope that they will have the fullest support of Opposition Members , too , although that has not come through in this debate .
5 To summarize the total award is thus made up in this way there are agreed items as shown on the er schedule of the plaintiff 's submissions which come to three hundred and fifty two thousand , five hundred and ninety six pounds ,
6 It is important to notice here that Freud is talking about a part of the ego as being built up from the social and cultural surroundings , but that the whole ego is not built up in this way .
7 and erm , James said you not going out in this surely , yeah , yeah , it 's only a bit of rain and he come home and he was drenched right the way through top to bottom
8 And when that girl becomes vegetarian mix about and the other one she 's vegetarian still and she said she 's not coming back in this house .
9 The traditional concept of religion as insurance on the next world which might or not pay off in this one is exactly reversed .
10 Perhaps I had better not go on in this way or things will get too mushy and pastoral after all .
11 The new technology element does n't exactly creep in in this business either ; personal computers , laser printers , document scanners and the like are vital elements of the system .
12 Warning — you can not cast on in this method .
13 You just carry on in this one look .
14 Not only are there competing social sciences , but everyone has to be something of a social scientist just to get by in this world .
15 Or just fall over in this direction , for God 's sake !
16 It is not enough to change to a new paragraph at intervals just because you know that a block of text is always broken up in this way .
17 Few would have dared to predict in the late 1960s that duvets would ever catch on in this country , but today it would be hard to find a British household that does n't have one .
18 ‘ Do they always carry on in this fashion ? ’
19 Perhaps two-thirds of IBM 's income and an estimated 75 per cent of profits are still tied up in this threatened area .
20 It should perhaps , like type B hepatitis , be added to the list of diseases that are often or even usually passed on in this way .
21 German-speakers used to do a lot of research there , but unfortunately , Hispanic studies have practically died out in this country .
22 Dishonesty is also brought out in this scene , when the Duke expects Shylock to forgive Antonio in line 23 ‘ which is a pound of this poor merchant 's flesh , thou wilt not only loose the forfeiture , but touch with human gentleness and love , Forgive a moiety of the principal ; ’ .
23 9.6 Rights easements etc The [ operation of the Law of Property Act 1925 Section 62 shall be excluded from this Lease and the only rights granted to the Tenant are those expressly set out in this Lease [ and such further ancillary rights that arise under the general law or by necessary implication ] and the Tenant shall not by virtue of this Lease be deemed to have acquired or be entitled to and the ] Tenant shall not during the Term acquire or become entitled by any means whatever to any easement from or over or affecting any other land or Premises now or at any time after the date of this Lease belonging to the Landlord and not comprised in this Lease Section 62 of the Law of Property Act 1925 provides that a lease is deemed to include , in the absence of any contrary intention , all easements , rights and advantages appertaining or reputed to appertain to the premises at the time of the lease .
24 9.11 Representations The Tenant acknowledges that this Lease has not been entered into in reliance wholly or partly on any statement or representation made by or on behalf of the Landlord except any such statement or representation that is expressly set out in this Lease This is self-explanatory but see the comments on misrepresentation under clause 11 of the agreement for lease .
25 As originally pointed out in this context by Szekeres ( 1972 ) and later repeated by Yurtsever ( 1988 c ) , since ( 14.3 ) is a linear hyperbolic equation , it may also be solved explicitly using Riemann 's method .
26 The banks are often built up in this manner above the level of the surrounding marsh , rather like the levees of a meandering river being built up above the level of the floodplain .
27 Turning points in relationships , too , are often mapped out in this way — a quarrel , a meeting , a reconciliation may mark the moment of ‘ conception ’ ; one knows that a new phase is beginning but it does not become openly apparent until this nine-month span has past .
28 Now he was fit to continue the game originally set out in this paper concerned with the sociological conditions in factory estates and the attitude of dogs to someone else 's underwear .
29 This is certainly the most useful , easily accessible and up-to-date compilation of figures , and it is the one I shall mainly rely on in this book .
30 But it 's never really taken off in this country !
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