Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [to-vb] up to " in BNC.

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1 We 're only limited to go up to forty really are n't we ?
2 A 450km strip of road linking Tokyo , Nagoya and Kobe is alone expected to cost up to ¥5 trillion , more than twice the cost of the Channel tunnel between Britain and France .
3 After this , progress was slow , though most women compositors of seven years or so experience could apparently expect to move up to 16s : roughly half the male wage of the time .
4 Erm that 's that 's really good again you 'd only have to learn up to six add six would n't you .
5 Do these all have to go up to the tower ? ’
6 Under the regulations here they 're only allowed to pay up to 80 per cent of your salary from a contributory scheme .
7 But Michael Fallon , defending Darlington for the Tories , said parents only had to pay up to £8 on education per pupil each year .
8 It should be made clear both that ( A + B ) does not need to add up to 100 — it is an unfortunate chance that the 80/20 or 90/10 ‘ rules ’ are so well known — and that access frequency loading will only be of benefit when A is less than B. If A were greater than B , meaning that the less active records were loaded first , file access times would be poorer than those of randomly loaded files !
9 KEEPER John Lukic tonight has to face up to his bizarre error that punished Leeds heavily against Rangers in Glasgow .
10 She could not wait to rush up to her room to read the latest book her friend had lent her — which could be anything from The Stones of Venice to The Prisoner of Zenda .
11 What we do know , however , is that in the light of the conflicts of policy surrounding both repatriations that Eighth Army was now fully aware of , the Army Commander Gen McCreery had already decided to fly up to Austria to take a look at what was going on for himself .
12 ‘ No mother can watch her child continue to be in pain — his frail body is not going to stand up to 30 general anaesthetics .
13 These ideas are plausible as far as they go , but I find that they do not begin to square up to the formidable challenge of explaining culture , cultural evolution , and the immense differences between human cultures around the world , from the utter selfishness of the Ik of Uganda , as described by Colin Turnbull , to the gentle altruism of Margaret Mead 's Arapesh .
14 He was just going to go up to her to give it back , when the girl did something very strange .
15 I was just going to settle up to you , that was it .
16 ‘ There comes a point when you 've just got to face up to the private hell you go through every day . ’
17 Britain 's savers and pensioners are just beginning to wake up to the possibilities of independent taxation of husbands and wives .
18 They 'd be on cup three or four amid the toast fragments , still relaxed but just beginning to wake up to the day 's promise , when Mrs Goreng and myself would join them for what was left of the luke-warm coffee .
19 Having cruelly ignored the band for two years as they dragged their own equipment between some of London 's less than prestigious live dives , people are finally beginning to wake up to the idea of Suede .
20 " No , but a husband should not have to look up to his bride . "
21 She 'll just have to face up to the fact that he 's guilty , I 'm afraid . ’
22 Finally , the high turnover at the polls might be indicative of changes in the local population , or prudential calculations amongst particular electors as to whether it was worth one 's while trying to exercise one 's right to vote ( on the logic that people will not bother to turn up to the poll if they believe their preferred candidates have no chance of success ) ; it could equally well be indicative of various forms of electoral manipulation and influence , such as the artificial creation of new electors , the ability of returning officers to prevent one side 's supporters from polling , or the ability of some members of the local elite to " persuade " electors not to register a vote in opposition to their wishes .
23 ‘ You 'd better put on one of my tracksuits , we 're not meant to go up to your room until they 've sent someone to inspect it or something , ’ she called on her way to the kitchen .
24 It was an extremely murky business , but on any reckoning the details do not seem to add up to systematic armed gang warfare .
25 Laboratory chemists have only just begun to wake up to this change .
26 Not have to face up to the fact that he was a dynamic , intelligent , charming man with a gift for finance and the raw exercise of power .
27 The importer is generally required to pay up to 20 per cent of the contract 's price out of his own resources .
28 that a simple explanation for the explosion probably lies in the condenser , which cooled evaporating xylene as it left the reaction and was specially designed to accommodate up to 50 kg of deposited tetrachlorobenzene , without blocking .
29 This day boat is specially designed to carry up to eleven passengers , six of whom could be in wheelchairs .
30 Why have I always got to come up to your standards ? ’
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